Friday, August 18, 2017

“Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid”

President Trump MAY know how to develop real estate.  That skill set however, is still very much debatable.  He certainly has many business failures to stack up against his successes.  If, after the current investigations are concluded, we find that Don-John is financially solvent and hasn’t accepted financial backing and/or un-secured loans from Russian sources, we must conclude he does know real estate.  In any case, all will agree that President Trump does know how to promote himself.  He is, after all, a constant source of covfefe.

The Fly, Movie, 1986, starring Jeff Goldblum
"Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

For those in the know, it was determined that COVFEFE was the nuclear launch code on May 31, 2017.  The fact that it was mistakenly tweeted in a late night anti-press storm, brought to light a flaw in our system.  By presidential order, it has now been changed to the more secure PASSWORD.  This is more secure because it has eight letters and not a mere seven.  The WH staff floated the simple and more descriptive BOOM, but saner minds prevailed.  (These saner minds were found within a group of folks on a White House tour.)

Visions of mushroom clouds danced in their heads

Speaking of nuclear holocaust, we do have a severe liability in terms of, how shall I politely put this, the president’s gross ineptitude in all matters requiring a mind capable of grasping anything of a complex nature.  A word of warning is in order here.  The following information may cause:  horror, night sweats, an inability to breathe, paranoia, redundancy, redundancy, a touch of rigor, rectal-cranial inversion, toe-jam football, and excessive belly button lint.  Proceed with caution.

First, a brief bit of background is necessary with regard to the Department of Energy.  The DOE has a budget of $30 billion, employs 110,000 workers, and it was created in 1977, after and in response to the Arab Oil Embargo, by Jimmy Carter.  Prior to this period it was the Atomic Energy Commission and several other groups.  It is responsible for managing our nuclear arsenal, engineering weapon systems, nuclear waste disposal, nuclear risk assessment, the nation's electrical grid, alternative energy programs, and for the design, testing, and production of all nuclear weapons. Admittedly, all small stuff and not of much consequence.  While it has numerous other energy related tasks, we are mostly concerned here with the nuclear side of its responsibilities.

When Rick Perry was campaigning for the presidency, he famously mentioned that he wanted to eliminate 3 federal departments.  When pressured he remembered Commerce and Education but forgot the third.  He later said he had forgotten the DOE.  He didn’t know what they did exactly but he claimed that they didn’t “do anything worth doing.”  Don-John, in his infinite wisdom, placed Rick Perry in charge of the DOE.  As scary as it may sound, President Trump had no idea what the Energy Department did either.  They both probably thought the Department of Energy monitored the manufacture of Red Bull, but they weren’t quite sure. Neither knew the DOE was involved in all things nuclear.

The DOE does not monitor the manufacture of Red Bull Energy Drinks

Most incoming presidents make changes in department personnel but they generally want to know the current players, what they have been doing, and want to make arrangements for a smooth transition.  The DOE had prepared, at President Obama’s direction, a set of five-inch thick information binders, they cleared office space for around 30 staffers, and opened up 30 parking spaces.  They awaited Trump’s transition team.  Days and weeks passed with not a peep from the Trump folks.

A month or so later and people showed up, not to learn about the agency, but were trying to dig up dirt on Obama and dismantle anything he had done.  With everything in limbo, the best of the best started to bail out.  The DOE is all about science and they are responsible for running the 17 national labs.  Rick Perry was the former governor of Texas and it is doubtful he knows much about nuclear physics.  We are over six months into the current administration and he hasn’t spent much time anywhere near the office.  He seems to be spending his time traveling the globe promoting programs that are being cut by others back in Washington.  Trump loyalists seem to pop in and out unannounced.  No one is setting policy or direction so existing programs are just plodding along without a plan.

Rick Perry's face when he was told he would be heading the DOE

The DOE is responsible for nuclear safety.  Everything from spent fuel rods to nuclear munitions falls within their purview.  In the history of the department, there have been atomic (hydrogen) bombs that have been accidently dropped within our borders.  One of the bombs had managed to trip three of four safety mechanisms.

Big Boy, not the burger

Goldsboro, North Carolina was one safety "click" away from a detonation 250 times more powerful than Hiroshima.  Major COVFEFE!  This happened in 1961 but was recently declassified.  We won’t hear about any other such incidents until they too, are old news.  Clerical errors (nasty decimal point in the wrong place) have been responsible for the shipment of plutonium by FedEx that should have been under armed guard.  Inorganic kitty litter is used in barrels to store radioactive waste in salt caverns.  Due to an error, someone used organic kitty litter, which caused the barrels to leak.  The caverns were off limits for additional storage for three years and caused a massive backlog.  These problems are now the responsibility of a globetrotting ex-governor who doesn’t have a clue about this agency and has no interest in learning anything about it.

Drums of nuclear waste safely(?) stored
Chinese label translation: "Run like Hell"

Chinese and Russian espionage are everyday concerns of the DOE due to the nature of their business.  Activities of North Korea are analyzed by the DOE.  The bureaucrats popping in and out of the department facilities don’t seem to have a clue.

Alternative energy program research has been funded by congress through the department.  It has made several successful advances.  These programs are not of much use to the ex-governor of an oil state.  His priorities seem to be elsewhere.

Solar Farm
Rick Perry's comment, "They can grow solar?"

This nation seems to rely heavily upon electricity for its quality of life.  The safety of the electrical grid is another DOE responsibility.  In 2013, a sniper took out 17 transformers and cut specific communications lines.  These transformers and communications lines just so happened to service Apple and Google.  Our dams and hydroelectric plants are also vulnerable to attack.

2013 Sniper knocked out 17 transformers

We have been making plutonium in Hanover, Washington, in the eastern part of that state since the Manhattan Project of the 1940’s.  Now, over 9,000 residents of the area are involved in cleaning up the mess they made.  $3 billion is spent annually on the clean-up.  Trump easily won the votes of these people and now he wants to slash the DOE budget and put these people out of work.  When Trump heard of the Manhattan Project, he became excited.  Then, when he found out it had nothing to do with New York real estate, he lost interest.  The plutonium waste products are already in Hanford’s groundwater and a large mass of radioactive sludge is now headed for the Columbia River.

Restricted Area, Enter and Glow at your own risk

In this new Don-John make your money now and let the future worry about itself era, there is an active policy of don’t ask, don’t tell.  The term "willful ignorance" has been found to be most descriptive.  Repeat the mantra after me, the market will sort it all out.  Don’t worry, be happy.  What could possibly go wrong?

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid....

The New National Hat

Note:  Much of the information above came from an excellent Vanity Fair article by Michael Lewis titled,


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