Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Florida: Government in the Moonshine


Florida voters overwhelmingly approved our Government in the Sunshine Law which meant we wanted to know what was going on. For Governor DeSantis it has been a non-stop “lights out” policy. He doesn’t want citizens to know what he is doing unless it is something popular that he can campaign on.

Most recently, a state plan to commercialize nine state parks and build golf courses, 350-room hotels, pickleball courts, etc., was “outed” by a whistleblower. The public outcry was deafening. The plan was quickly shelved and DeSantis “pulled a Trump*” by stating he knew nothing about the planned bulldozing of state park habitat.
Of course, this outing of a secret plan resulted in James Gaddis being fired for “conduct unbecoming…” The fact that state law prohibits such secret plans and the secret meetings was of no concern for DeSantis. Laws are for other people. Fast-tracking environmental destruction for commercial development takes priority in the realm of Ron DeSantis.

This doesn’t mean the commercial takeover of Florida parks is off the agenda, it only means they will go “back to the drawing board.” The secretive land swap of 300 acres of state forest land to a Hernando Country golf course company doesn’t show up on the agenda for the upcoming September 12 meeting of the Acquisition and Restoration Council. That’s why they call them secrets.
A DeSantis spokesperson said state lands need to be more accessible. He went on to say this was an “exciting new initiative.” I guess electric golf carts scooting across a manicured green fairway in what used to be a forest could be seen by golfers as making the area more accessible. Golf carts don’t do well in forests.
Maybe DeSantis could take Trump’s advice and rake the forest floor to allow electric carts. The trees could be left as hazards to make the play more interesting. Add a few alligators around the tees and greens, a few wild boars, and a Florida panther or two, now you are talking excitement. The Dragon Snow Mountain Golf Club in Lijiang, China holds the record for its par 72 course. Florida could top that with a little planning.

Footnote: *Trump didn't invent the "I know nothing" dodge, Sgt. Schultz had it perfected long ago.
Footnote 2: The addition of Florida panthers might be difficult as their numbers have dwindled due to habitat loss. Hmmm?

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