Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Climate Change Hoax

The idea that "climate change" is a hoax has pervaded the thought processes of the conservative brain trust almost since that term replaced "global warming."  The name change was perhaps necessary due to the simple-mindedness of the proletariat who saw every freak winter snowstorm as proof of their hoax theory.  Climate change needs to be a hoax because it fits with so many of the other cogs in the wheel of conservative thinking.


Those aren't waves of water lapping at boats.

 Oversimplifying climate change keeps the hoax theory alive.  They can then easily attack wind farms as ugly bird killers and EV transportation solutions as too difficult and silly.  Just increase oil production in America and most of our problems go away.  We can go back to the simplistic operation of our tried-and-true gasoline-powered vehicles and avoid having to learn about some new-fangled technology.  Promote oil, gas, and coal energy solutions as we have done for hundreds of years, and we can further isolate America and avoid reliance on “foreigners.”

 Climate change can’t be responsible for the national crisis of record heat, drought, and dwindling aquifer water levels that have led to crop failures and shortages.  The fact that shortages of feed for livestock have forced producers to cull their herds which resulted in higher prices for meat, can’t be related to climate change.  As every conservative knows, higher food prices can all be blamed on Joe Biden.

 Our shrinking aquifers will mean that parts of the U.S. may have difficulty supplying enough drinking water for their populations.  It will also mean that America’s position as an agricultural superpower and the world’s largest supplier of corn, soybeans, cotton, and sorghum is in jeopardy.  Wells around the country are running dry.  A combination of over-pumping, higher temperatures, and snowpack reductions have reduced groundwater supplies.  While some conservatives might not feel threatened by a loss of clean water to drink, just how do they think Arizona will continue to support 472 grass golf courses?

 While we can all argue about the impact and causes of climate change or even question its' existence, most would agree that finding a clean unlimited energy source that would make the U.S. energy independent would be a good thing.  We all know of wind farms and solar solutions that are gaining some ground, but what else might there be?


Yellowstone NP, Thermal Pool

 If you mention geothermal, most people will think about Yellowstone National Park and its geysers and beautiful pools of hot water.  Think deeper.  The deeper you drill through the Earth’s crust, the hotter it gets.  What if you could just drill a deep hole, possibly near existing coal or gas power plants, and provide a hot energy source that could be linked to the power grid?  What if you could provide a supplemental source of clean energy to back up solar at night or wind when the breeze dies down?

 We don’t yet have the technology to drill through rock hotter than 350 degrees with most current equipment.  The oil and gas industry has advanced drilling techniques, and we have a good start.  Testing has begun using plasma torches and microwave drilling tools that are promising.  One company has designed a closed-loop geothermal system that would pump fluid through radiator-like piping.  Construction has begun on this 65-megawatt plant (30,000 households) in Germany.  It is scheduled to come online in 2024.

 While the technology doesn’t yet exist to drill six miles through the Earth’s crust to reach an area where temperatures exceed 750 degrees Fahrenheit, advancements to achieve this are being researched.  At that theoretical 6-mile point, water or some other fluid can go supercritical and hold much more energy than normal steam, perhaps 10 times as much.  Such a geothermal solution could provide clean cheap abundant energy virtually anywhere in the world.

Looking for clean energy.

The problem we face is still, is climate change a hoax?  Do we really need clean energy?  For those who think we can bury our heads in the sand, perhaps, while you are down there, you could look for some geothermal energy.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Sound of Silence

The 1964 Simon and Garfunkle song, The Sound of Silence, is one of my favorites. That it was featured in one of my favorite movies of all time, The Graduate from 1967 (my graduation year), is but a nice bonus. I always found the lyrics poignant. It is within those lyrics that I found an answer to a current issue. Is Donald J. Trump guilty of treason and should he be allowed to lead this nation once again?

Movie The Graduate, 1967

What I have heard in discussions on this topic has mostly dealt with intent. What did he intend to do? This is the quandary where we are trying to get inside someone’s head while analyzing something they said or did. At what point in the 65 days between November 3, 2020, and January 6, 2021, was the criminal act of treason and insurrection committed?
Analyzing what Donald Trump says always presents a problem. Often it is meaningless rhetoric and bluster. We also have a problem with the fact that most of it is in English. In English, almost every word has multiple meanings. How often do you look up a word and find only one meaning listed? Even when the words are clear enough, what was the intent of the speaker, and what resulted when interpreted by another?
What did the former president mean when he said on January 6th, "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore?" Certainly, his lawyers can provide other interpretations. What did Trump mean when he said, "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes?” Did he mean that he wanted Raffensperger to see if he somehow misplaced over ten thousand votes? What was his intent?

Trump speaks at the Ellypse on January 6, 2021
 "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell,
you're not going to have a country anymore?"

How do we get inside the head of anyone, let alone that head, to ferret out intent. I know, send in the ferrets. (Ferret, another word with two meanings) I say we don’t. I say he committed 187 acts of treason between 1:25 p.m. on January 6, 2021, and 4:03 p.m. on that date. Every minute of his silence was an act of insurrection. Every minute of silence was an act of treason. Every minute of inaction by the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces was a criminal act. He had the power and the authority, more than anyone else in the country, to quell the violence of the ongoing insurrection that was attempting to overthrow our democracy. He could have ended the whole thing at any time during those 187 minutes and all we heard was, The Sound of Silence.

Trump watched the insurrection on TV

Donald John Trump spent that time watching the glow of his television. Watching the violence on live TV.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening.
No one dared, Disturb the sound of silence.
Only they did. Many people pleaded with him to stop the violence during this time. His response, “silence” in the form of inaction. The silence was deafening.
The next line from the song:
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
And further along:
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence."
This, I submit, is all we need to disqualify the former president from running for office in 2024. His inactivity during those 187 minutes was tacit approval for and participation in the insurrection and rebellion against the United States. I say, invoke Section 3 of our Constitution’s 14th Amendment which says that a public official is not eligible to assume public office if they, "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States, or had "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," unless they are granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress.

This brings me to one of my favorite scenes in The Graduate where Ben (Dustin Hoffman) announces that he is going to marry Elaine to the delight of his parents. When questioned further Ben admits that Elaine knows none of his plans. They are in the kitchen of Ben’s home and Mr. Braddock then states, “Ben, this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked.” Ben answers, “No, it’s not, Dad. It’s completely baked.” At that point, Ben leaves and the toast pops up from the toaster.

It's completely baked, Scene The Graduate, 1967

In my analogy of this scene, Trump is “completely baked.” He is one with the toast.

Friday, August 18, 2023

When is “free speech” no longer free?

Much of the response from Donald Trump and the MAGA right to the many charges of criminal acts, is to try to justify statements as protected free speech. To them, Trump is not guilty of any crime because he has First Amendment rights that are inviolable. This statement might be true, but only if you can imagine a world in which he would be unaware that a far-right element of his supporters had a potential for violence and would be looking for any excuse to act out against anyone that threatened their world vision. It might be true if we did not have the means to check, investigate, and legally question the voting integrity of our election process. It might be true if those checks, investigations, and legal challenges had not already been done and the votes had not been certified as true.
All of this is not unlike the musings of an organized crime syndicate leader who suggests that some enemy needs to “sleep with the fishes.” Even the most jaded among us would realize that such an utterance would not indicate that the subject of the conversation should take his nightly repose on a cot in an aquarium store. We would further not be surprised to find that his/her body was recovered from a watery grave. Marlon Brando in The Godfather, explained the meaning of the "fishes" comment. The context is clear.

While speaking words, even lies, can be speech protected under the First Amendment umbrella. However, we cannot evaluate such speech in a vacuum. We need to understand the motivation of the speaker, the assumed response of the recipients of that speech, the circumstances surrounding the need for the speech, and the events that led to the statement. We need to evaluate the context of the speech to determine what it was designed to accomplish.
Within the latest criminal indictment (Georgia) of Donald John Trump, there is a section identified as “ACTS OF RACKETEERING ACTIVITY AND OVERT ACTS IN FURTHERANCE OF THE CONSPIRACY.” Donald Trump, his lawyers, advisors, associates, and others, used speech in the form of pronouncements, phone calls, tweets, text messages, emails, and other forms of communication toward a common goal. In the indictment, there is a chronological listing of “Acts” that, in the terminology of the indictment are identified with the phrase, “This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.” It is here that they paint a picture of that conspiracy.

Words and speech are not crimes unless they are used to commit a criminal act. At that point, they are no longer protected speech. Donald Trump called Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger and said, "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than [the 11,779 vote margin of defeat] we have because we won the state." Those words taken out of context might be innocent even considering they contained the lie that he “won the state.” However, taken in the context of Trump’s desire to disenfranchise the legitimate voters in Georgia and to find (create) at least 11,780 votes that did not exist, that act is in furtherance of the criminal conspiracy.
In the law, there is something known as the "reasonable man theory." The “reasonable person” is a hypothetical individual who approaches any situation with the appropriate amount of caution and then sensibly takes action. It is a standard created to provide courts and juries with an objective test that can be used in deciding whether a person's actions constitute negligence. The question for one or more of these juries will be to determine if Donald Trump acted in a reasonable fashion. This will be a simple task for those of us living on planet Earth.
The MAGA fringe wants to look at phrases and statements in isolation where they may appear innocent or have innocent interpretations. They do not want to face the totality of the conspiracy. This same fringe element of the MAGA crowd is also willing to read between the lines. Some of them are adept at finding kernels of whatever they want within the Q-drops or “crumbs” of QAnon conspiracy postings.
These are the “true believers.” Some still await the reincarnation of JFK Jr. at Dealey Plaza in Texas as he was to pronounce Donald Trump the 2020 election winner. Some await the promised mass arrests of the villains of the Deep State. Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame could not have imagined a more bizarre future for America.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tales From the Rabbit Hole

Aside from their common residence in New York and both being in the public eye, I always wondered what the connection was between Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump. I happened to watch an old Law and Order rerun today from 1997. In one scene the DA, Jack McCoy, is relaxing on a couch in his office and is holding a copy of a newspaper with the headline, Red Light Rudy. Always one to dive headfirst into the proverbial rabbit hole, I thought I would try to find that story.
I typed Red Light Rudy, 1997, and Daily News into my Google rabbit hole finder and got several hits. One story from 1997 seemed most likely. It appears that, in August of 1997, a chauffeur, James Schillaci from the Bronx, dialed Mayor Giuliani’s radio program to complain about a red-light sting being run by the police near the Bronx Zoo. When Giuliani failed to take any action, the chauffeur contacted the Daily News, and they ran a front-page headline exposing the red-light sting. Giuliani was not amused.


The morning after the news article the police showed up on Schillaci’s doorstep. He asked the police, “What are you going to do, arrest me?” They did. They dug up a 13-year-old traffic warrant. The judge rightly threw out the charge. The Daily News called the police for clarification of the charge, and the police falsely announced that the chauffeur had been convicted of sodomy.
Then Giuliani took to the media and claimed that Mr. Schillaci was “posing as an altruistic whistle-blower.” He went on to charge that the chauffeur was “dishonest enough to lie about the police.”
Mr. Schillaci had an emotional breakdown and was hospitalized. He later sued the city and received a $290,000 settlement. In an article published years later about the incident, the NY Times said, “Rudolph W. Giuliani likens himself to a boxer who never takes a punch without swinging back.” It went on to describe how the mayor used his office to “clip anyone who crossed him.” Rudy’s pugnacious behavior saw the taxpayers forced to pay over $7 million settling civil rights lawsuits and paying retaliatory damages during his term as mayor.
I think I now see that the Giuliani-Trump relationship was a marriage made in vindictive Hell where power corrupts, and impotent cowards become bullies. I could also draw parallels in vindictiveness with the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis whose acrimonious vengeful demeanor has also cost the state and taxpayers dearly.
Perhaps Rudy’s story will be told by Hollywood. You must admit that his rise and fall from grace is a story worth retelling. He peaked in fame during the aftermath of 9/11 before jumping onto the bedbug-infested mattress of Donald Trump. Giuliani’s bedroom antics perhaps peaked during his film debut in Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat 2 comedy when an actress playing Borat’s 15-year-old daughter seduces Rudy after a fake interview. Rudy reclines on the bed and reaches into his pants just before Borat runs in and yells, “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”
If you take that embarrassment and add some dripping hair dye, the Pennsylvania parking lot “election fraud” press conference with a witness who turns out to be a convicted sex offender, the loss of his law license, his association with Soviets Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman who were convicted of wire fraud and campaign finance violations, and you have the making of a true Hollywood rom-com.
Rudy’s star, that shown brightest after 9/11, was also tarnished after his Giuliani Partners worked for the government of Qatar which provided a safe haven for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the principal architect of 9/11.
Rudy claimed during his 2002 post-mayoral divorce from his third wife, that his net worth was $7,000. Later in 2002, he made $8M in speaking fees. In 2004, his Giuliani Capital Advisors made $84.7M and Rudy was now worth $30M with six homes and eleven country-club memberships. But his legal work for Trump has left him almost bankrupt because, as many have found out, Donald likes to play but Donald doesn’t like to pay. Rudy is now promoting collectible coins, cigars, and health products on a podcast.
Postscript: I made another right turn in the labyrinth that is my rabbit-hole maze and found that the Giuliani headline that prompted my initial comparison was based on another story of Rudy where he was merely prioritizing red light distribution based on neighborhoods that voted for him. It would seem that Rudy had more than one story about red lights in 1997. I think I just spotted another rabbit with a pocket watch who is late for his job with the Duchess.

Secret Societies and Today’s Culture

Conspiracies, secret societies, and cults have been with us for centuries. Many secret societies were quasi-religious in nature to hide their religion or to enforce the mandates of one.

The Knights Templar were the Catholic warriors of the Crusades who took a vow of poverty. They were given tax-exempt status by the pope and, when the Crusades ended, they became wealthy bankers who loaned money to kings. They were disbanded 900 years ago after they were tortured and forced to confess to cat worshipping, sodomy, and naval kissing.

Knights Templar

It is somewhat counterintuitive to acknowledge that something called a “secret society” would be called famous, but the Illuminati is one such group founded in 1776. Even though that year was famous in American history, the Illuminati was founded in Bavaria.


While many of today’s secret organizations seem to promote superstition and extreme religious beliefs, this German society opposed those influences. They were also opposed to obscurantism. That last one, I’ll have to admit, I needed to look up. It seems that obscurantism is the anti-intellectual practice of presenting information in such an obscure, vague, and imprecise manner as to make the topic undebatable. The Illuminati were outlawed as recommended by the Catholic Church, so, as such groups go, this one sounds right up my alley.

Famous Freemasons

Freemasonry traces back to guilds of stonemasons. Members of Regular Freemasonry must acknowledge a Supreme Being but religious and political discussions are forbidden. Women are denied membership. Continental Freemasonry has eliminated most or all of these restrictions. In America after the Revolution, George Washington was the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the US. During the Holocaust, Freemasons were executed in the same camps as the Jews. A current subset of Freemasons are the Shriners known for their charity work.
Two lesser-known “secret” groups and frequent subjects of conspiracy theorists are Skull and Bones started at Yale University and Bilderberg, a group founded in 1954 in the Netherlands. These groups have had US presidents as members. President Taft and both Bushes were Skull and Bones members and Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, and Henry Kissinger have attended Bilderberg gatherings.

Yale University Skull and Bones

So, with all of these “secret” groups around for so long with such high-profile members, is it any wonder that conspiracy theorists have had a field day claiming and blaming such groups of nefarious skullduggeries. Add to the mix, cults like the Manson family, Heaven’s Gate of Marshall Applewhite fame, David Koresh and his Branch Davidians, The Peoples Temple with Jim Jones, and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh with his Rajneeeshees, and we have an abridged list of American horror movements.

Famous Cult Leaders

America seems to have among its freedoms, the right to be nuts. It’s right there in the Bill of Rights. It’s included in that seldom-read Third Amendment which primarily prevents the government from forcing homeowners to house British soldiers in the spare bedroom, but also states that Americans are free to be crazy. If your copy of the Bill of Rights doesn’t show this, ask for the special James Madison version with the quill pen notes in the margins.
With cults and secret societies as a foundation, is it any wonder that QAnon exists? With Donald Trump now revered as a quasi-religious figure and the ready availability of social media platforms to spread their message, the American fringe is operating at warp speed. Perhaps I should have said warped speed as in proceeding quickly in an abnormal, strange, or distorted fashion.

For the vulnerable fringe desperate to find a savior to pay off their credit card debt, bring back $1.75 gasoline, fix their teeth, put new tires on their pickup, and erect a giant statue of Dale Earnhardt on Daytona Beach, it’s easy to see how some might be duped. In the America of today, conspiracy theories are as frequent as sightings of fat men in bikinis at Walmart.

That a secret cabal of elites is exploiting children as sex slaves in the back of a pizza parlor is an easy sell to those who feel that their government has failed them. More than a cult, QAnon is a belief system with a logo. Social media postings of Q-drops with cryptic riddles have taken on a religious tone with apocalyptic predictions. While QAnon lacks a central identifiable leader, Trump fills the void with his own cryptic statements that defy clear analysis. The Illuminati would have despised the “Q” people.

QAnon Shaman

There are an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 cults in the US claiming as many as 10 million current or former members. General groupings of cults are doomsday, political, and religious. Trump followers who may also be QAnon believers, seem to have hit at least two of these categories. As in most cults, they seem to have certain traits. There is authoritarian control, there is a belief system that is held inviolate even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary, they may feel isolated from non-believers, and there is normally a charismatic leader. While it is difficult to compare Charles Manson with Donald Trump, they do seem to have that one common trait, charisma.

P.T. Barnum may or may not have said, “There is a sucker born every minute,” but as showmen, hucksters, gamblers, and confidence tricksters go, both Donald and Phineas Taylor have used this mantra to their benefit. The guidance provided is that there are enough gullible people around that they will never be wanting for an audience to deceive.

PT Barnum

As a card-carrying member of the Illuminati, I hope I haven't violated my oath against obscurantism.

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Indictment of Donald J Trump for Conspiracy to Defraud, and Obstruct an Official Proceeding, and Against Rights

Points in the indictment of activities that were legal:

  • ·        He ran for reelection in 2020 and lost.
  • ·        He disputed the election results, as is his right.
  • ·        He made false claims about the election process; he knew the claims were false; he filed charges and launched investigations to support his claims; he lost those efforts to prove outcome-determinative fraud; all of which is within his rights.

Points in the indictment of activities that were illegal:

  • ·        He conspired to defraud the United States using dishonest means in an attempt to obstruct and defeat a lawful government process of collecting, counting, and certifying the presidential election.
  • ·        He conspired with others to obstruct the lawful January 6 congressional proceeding to certify the election results.
  • ·        He conspired to disenfranchise the rights of others to legally vote.

All of this was in furtherance of Trump’s efforts to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election.  The document goes on to list six unnamed coconspirators who worked with the defendant to overturn the election.   One part in this process involved the submission of fraudulent slates of electors from seven states. 

These were not “backup” electors where a disputed count existed in a key state, but were fake electors sent to disrupt the legitimate proceedings sent from states where the results were not in dispute.  All legal election challenges in these states had failed.  While these efforts ultimately failed, the effort to defraud the United States was illegal.

There was also an effort to use the power of the Justice Department to conduct sham election investigations in furtherance of the crime of overturning the election results.  They further tried to enlist the Vice President in their efforts to alter the legitimate results.

The document goes on to explain how, when, and why the defendant knew that he had lost the election and that he knew that there was no evidence or avenue for proving outcome-determinative fraud.  Eight paragraphs of explanation are provided in detailed list form on this point.

They then provide six different examples of wild unfounded speculations created from whole cloth by the defendant and his coconspirators designed to sway public opinion and to solicit others to act in furtherance of their crimes.  References to dead voters, non-existent voters, suspicious vote dumping, double voting, non-citizen voting, and voting machine manipulation were made by the defendant with the full knowledge that these claims were false.

By page ten of the indictment, a state-by-state analysis is given listing the activities that assisted in the fraud being committed.  An employee of the defendant, Co-Conspirator 1, made a claim to the Arizona House Speaker where he charged that non-citizens, non-residents, and dead people had voted in their election.  When asked for proof the employee had to admit he had no such evidence.  His actual comment was, "We don't have the evidence, but we have lots of theories."  Even with that admission, he still tried to elicit the help of that official to select a phony slate of electors that would support the Defendant which would be contrary to the actual certified outcome of the election in Arizona.

It is an important distinction to be made here that, while the First Amendment to the Constitution protects speech, even speech that is knowingly untrue, it provides no such protection for speech that is used to commit a crime.  In fact, virtually all frauds and conspiracies begin and are dependent upon speech and verbal communication.  None of the speech referenced in the actual charges in the indictment is protected by the First Amendment.  It is part and parcel of the crime being committed.

The next section with a Georgia reference identifies specifics surrounding the falsified claim of voter fraud perpetrated by manipulation of election machines and election software.  There was no evidence to support these claims, they were but theories.  There was also no foundation for the claim that 10,000 dead people voted while diligent research had found just 2 such instances.  A senior campaign advisor to the Defendant wrote, "When our research and campaign legal team can't back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we're 0-32 on our cases. I'll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it's tough to own any of this when it's all just conspiracy shit beamed down from the mothership."

In item 31 (f), of the indictment under the Georgia heading, the phone recording from the Defendant to the Georgia Secretary of State is referenced where the Defendant asks him to “find 11,780 votes.”  This activity is also part of a separate action by state officials against the Defendant.

The document goes on to describe similar activities, all of which had already been investigated and found to be without merit in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  While the charges had no merit and lacked evidence the goal was to muddy the waters with claims of fraud to then disenfranchise the voters in those states with a false slate of electors that would overturn the actual results for key states.

In Michigan, the Senate Majority Leader was sent a text message from the Defendant’s lawyer (Co-Conspirator 1) that stated, "So I need you to pass a joint resolution from the Michigan legislature that states that, * the election is in dispute, * there's an ongoing investigation by the Legislature, and * the Electors sent by Governor Whitmer are not the official Electors of the State of Michigan and do not fall within the Safe Harbor deadline of Dec 8 under Michigan law."

The subsequent public statement from the Michigan House Speaker is telling.  He states in part that, “We've diligently examined these reports of fraud to the best of our ability..., I fought hard for President Trump. Nobody wanted him to win more than me.  I think he's done an incredible job.  But I love our republic, too. I can't fathom risking our norms, traditions, and institutions to pass a resolution retroactively changing the electors for Trump, simply because some think there may have been enough widespread fraud to give him the win. That's unprecedented for good reason. And that's why there is not enough support in the House to cast a new slate of electors. I fear we'd lose our country forever. This truly would bring mutually assured destruction for every future election in regard to the Electoral College. And I can't stand for that.  I won't.”

Time after time the Defendant and his Co-Conspirators were rejected by Republican leaders in the various states who abhorred the thought of overturning the popular vote so as to appoint a slate of electors who would then vote for the Defendant.  Repeated claims by the Defendant that 205,000 more votes in Pennslyvania were counted than there were actual voters, were wholly unfounded and without any basis in reality.

In Wisconsin, the Defendant paid for a recount that only managed to increase the margin of defeat.  The Defendant’s challenge of the election was heard and rejected by the state Supreme Court.  The Wisconsin Governor accordingly certified the election.  At that point the Defendant decided to take the fate of the Wisconsin election into his own hands.  The plot was then expanded to include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.  In those seven states the Defendant would fraudulently identify false slates of electors with phony certifications to send to Washington to name the Defendant the winner in those states.

A ”Wisconsin Memo” was drafted that was ultimately used as the basis for similar documents in the other states, designed to subvert the federal government function by stopping Biden electors’ votes from being counted and certified.  While the original Wisconsin Memo was written on the premise that the alternate slate of electors was being sent to “preserve” the rights of Wisconsin voters, the new memo, the new memo for the remaining “contested” states were designed to establish a fake controversy to derail the certification process that would establish Biden as the new president-elect.

The new fraudulent electors were given special instructions on how they could mimic the legitimate electors in those six states.  This would be necessary because the fraudulent electors wouldn’t have access to the legitimate state process or official resources.  They elicited the help of the RNC Chairwoman to gather electors for those states.  She was told these electors would only be used if the “contested” elections in those states were litigated successfully.

Attorney’s in each of the states was selected who could assist with the process.  The Arizona attorney recounted the conversation with the Defendants Co-Conspirator 5.  The idea was to have the electors send in their votes, even though the votes would be illegal under federal law as they hadn’t been signed by the governors of the respective states, so as to precipitate a fight in Congress on January 6th.  The wild idea was that Congress is not bound by federal law because they make laws.  They believed this could be successful as they would be sent to the Defendant’s Vice President and he could get “someone” to object to the actual votes being counted and the fake votes substituted.

In Arizona, it was planned that the Arizona lawyer would file a petition for certiorari in the Supreme Court to falsely claim that litigation was pending to provide cover for the fake electors.  This would be necessary because two participants in the Arizona part of the plot feared their actions would “appear treasonous” if there was no pending court proceeding.

In Pennsylvania fears that they were doing something illegal resulted in assurances from Rudy, I mean Co-Conspirator 1, that the signed certificates would only be used if litigation was successful.  Co-Conspirator 6 then circulated conditional language to that effect, but only for Pennsylvania.  The Defendant feared that if the other states heard about the conditional language they too might want similar language and “it could snowball.”

With all the confusion, the Defendant asked for an update.  In a text message from the Deputy Campaign Manager responded, "Here's the thing the way this has morphed it's a crazy play so I don't know who wants to put their name on it."  A senior Advisor wrote, “Certifying illegal votes.”  Participants in the group text then refused to put their names on it because none could “stand by it.”

On December 14, 2020, the legitimate electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia cast their ballots for president.  The result, 236 votes for the Defendant and 306 for Biden.  On this same day, at the direction of the Defendant and Co-Conspirator 1, convened a sham proceeding in the seven targeted states to cast their fraudulent votes.  In some states, the fraudulent electors attempted to gain access to state capitol buildings to satisfy legal requirements but were denied access.  In any case, the fraudulent votes from the fake electors in the targeted states were mailed to the President of the Senate, the Archivist of the United States, and others.  These votes were subsequently used to target the government function in the legitimate election process contrary to promises made that this would not be how they would be used.

In late December, the Defendant attempted to have the Acting Attorney General sign a letter outlining claims of election fraud in the selected states.  When the Acting Attorney General told the Defendant that the Justice Department could not and would not change the outcome of the election, the Defendant responded, "Just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen."

On December 28, 2020, a Justice Department letter was drafted by Co-Conspirator 4 claiming election fraud in Georgia, and this letter was duplicated with appropriate changes to the other targeted states.  The letter requested that the states convene a special legislative session so they could choose the fraudulent electors over the legitimate electors.

The Acting Deputy Attorney General promptly responded to Co-Conspirator 4 by email and told him that his proposed letter was false, writing, "Despite dramatic claims to the contrary, we have not seen the type of fraud that calls into question the reported (and certified) results of the election."  Shortly after this exchange, Co-Conspirator 4 was directed to not have unauthorized contact with the White House.

That admonition was ignored and Co-Defendant 4 and on January 3, he met with the Defendant who made him the new Acting Attorney General.  On that same day, the newly minted Acting Attorney General met with Deputy White House Counsel and reiterated that there was no outcome-determinative fraud and that if the Defendant remained in the White House beyond January 20th, there would be “riots in every major city in the United States.”  Co-Conspirator 4 responded with, “Well, that’s why there is an Insurrection Act.

At this point the Acting Attorney General has not been officially fired, Co-Conspirator 4 thinks he is the Acting Attorney General and there is a pending national security briefing scheduled that includes the Defendant.  That meeting happens where they also discuss Co-Conspirator 4’s (aka Acting Attorney General???) plans to investigate election fraud, and the current/former/who knows Acting Attorney General questions his job position.  It is then related to the Defendant that the entire Justice Department is on record that they will resign if Co-Conspirator 4 is appointed its new head.  The Defendant relents and un-promotes Co-Conspirator 4.

With January 6th fast approaching the Defendant tries to enlist his VP who has a ceremonial role in the certification process in Congress.  It is here that the Defendant tries to convince the VP to accept the Defendant's fraudulent electors, reject legitimate electoral votes, or send legitimate electoral votes to state legislatures for review rather than count them.  Not wanting to join the coup and knowing, like the defendant, that the claims of voter fraud and election manipulation are false, the VP declines to alter or otherwise agree to throw the country into chaos.

The Defendant, on December 19, 2020, using the widespread anger he had fomented within his supporters, tweeted, "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"  In weeks that followed, the Defendant continued to disseminate information that he knew to be false to his followers to get them to rally in Washington and disrupt the ceremonial proceedings that would formalize the election of Joseph Biden. 

While the Defendant and his co-conspirators knew that the Vice President had no such power as they advocated, they continued in their efforts to get the VP to override the official votes and “make the determination on his own.”  Co-Conspirator 2, who had previously acknowledged in writing that such an action would be in violation of the Constitution and the ECA (Electoral Count Act).  On January 1, 2021, the Defendant called the VP and berated him for not supporting his lawsuit seeking a judicial decision that, at the certification, the VP would have the authority to invalidate the election results.  When the VP rightly informed the Defendant that this would be unconstitutional, the Defendant told the VP, “You’re too honest.”

The Defendant continued in his efforts to disrupt the constitutional process of certifying the election when he tweeted, "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!"  Calling this a “protest” conveyed the Defendant’s dissatisfaction with the results of the validated election.  The conspiracy to overthrow the valid election results continued with Co-Conspirator 2 (CC2) circulating a memorandum with a plan calling on the VP to send the elector slates back to the states for a final determination as to which slate of electors to count.

On January 4, 2021, the Defendant, CC2, the VP, the VP’s Chief of Staff, and the VP’s Counsel met to once again convince the VP of widespread election fraud that would require him to reject Biden’s legitimate electoral votes.  The White House Counsel was not invited as he had already weighed in on the fact that the claims of outcome-determinative election fraud were false.  The Defendant, as recorded in contemporaneous notes taken by the VP from the meeting, claimed that he, “Bottom line-won every state by 100,000s of votes” and “We won every state.”

During this meeting, the VP questioned CC2 on whether the proposal was defensible.  The response was that it had never been tested before.  The VP turned to the Defendant and said, “Did you hear that?  Even your own counsel is not saying I have that authority.”  The Defendant responded, "That's okay, I prefer the other suggestion" of the Vice President rejecting the electors unilaterally.

Also on January 4th, CC2 acknowledged to the Defendant’s Senior Advisor that no court would support his proposal.  The Defendant’s Senior Advisor then told CC2, “You’re going to cause riots in the streets.”  CC2 responded that there had previously been points in the nation's history where violence was necessary to protect the republic. After that conversation, the Senior Advisor notified the Defendant that Co-Conspirator 2 had conceded that his plan was "not going to work."

The following day, January 5th, the Defendant had the VP’s Chief of Staff and Counsel meet with CC2 so they could convince the VP to unilaterally reject the electors from the targeted states.  CC2 admitted that, should this ever be subject to judicial review, the proposal would be unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court.  The VP’s Counsel told CC2 that following this proposal would be disastrous and the election might be “decided in the streets.”

Even knowing that the VP was not on board with his plan, the Defendant continued with his efforts to use his supporters to disrupt the certification process and he falsely claimed that the VP had the authority to reverse the election outcome.  That same day, the Defendant tweeted again that the VP had the authority to reject the election results.  In a second tweet at 5:05 p.m. the Defendant tweeted, "Washington is being inundated with people who don't want to see an election victory stolen .... Our Country has had enough, they won't take it anymore! We hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office."

Later on January 5th the Defendant met with the VP and told him he would have to publicly criticize him.  Fearing for his safety, the VP alerted his Secret Service detail.  When the crowds began gathering and could be heard from the White House, the Defendant told all within earshot that the crowd was going to be angry.  The Defendant, through his campaign office, issued a public statement that he knew was a lie: "The Vice President and I are in total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act."  This would mean that, when the VP did as he said he would, it would look like a betrayal.

On January 6th, the Defendant continued fomenting his followers with false information.  He put the burden wholly on the VP upon whom the Defendant again falsely claimed had the power to overturn the election.  If the VP would only do this one little thing, “WE WIN.”

The Defendant also had a Senator’s office attempt to deliver certificates for alternate slates of electors for Michigan and Wisconsin to the VP’s office claiming that the archivist didn’t receive them.  The VP’s office rejected them.  At 11:15 a.m. the Defendant made a final plea to the VP to reject Biden’s legitimate electoral votes.  When the VP again refused, the Defendant changed his planned public remarks to be issued on the Ellipse and reinserted the language about the VP’s authority to change the election outcome.  Advisors had previously convinced him to remove those remarks as they were knowingly a lie.  They would become part of what has been referred to as The Big Lie.

At the Ellipse, CC1, CC2, and the Defendant, lied to all present continuing to claim election fraud and urging the VP to overturn the election results.  CC1 called for the crowd to initiate, “trial by combat.”  CC2 continued with similar rhetoric as did the Defendant.  The Defendant lied to the crowd when he stated that the Pennsylvania legislature wanted “to recertify the votes.”  The only way this can happen is if Mike Pence sends them back.  The crowd chanted, “Send it back.”  The Defendant further said that regular rules no longer applied, “And fraud breaks up everything, doesn’t it?”  When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules."

The Defendant finally told the crowd at the Ellipse, “We fight, We fight like Hell, And if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”  The crowd was then told to march on the Capitol to “take back our country.”  Thousands then marched toward the Capitol.

We all know what happened next.  We have seen it all repeatedly on video tape from that assault and heard about it firsthand in testimony.  The Defendant also saw and heard what was happening.  He let it continue hoping it would save his presidency.  His family and advisors asked him to call it off.  He started it and he alone could end it.  Through a series of tweets and finally a Twitter video message from the White House Rose Garden, he finally told his rioters that even though “we had an election that was stolen from us,” they should leave the Capitol.

The Defendant, after his video tweet, joined others in the outer Oval Office and said while watching the video of the attack on television, “See, this is what happens when they try to steal an election.  This is what happens.”  At 6:01 p.m., the Defendant tweeted, "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!"

It wasn’t over for the Defendant.  He  and CC1 still tried to call Senators and Representatives to get them to delay the certification.  On one such call the voicemail message left for one Senator said, "We need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. And I know they're reconvening at eight tonight but the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow-ideally until the end of tomorrow."

At 7:01 p.m. the White House Counsel called the Defendant and asked him to withdraw his objections to allow the certification.  He refused.

At 3:41 a.m. on January 7, as President of the Senate, the Vice President announced the certified results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.

All of the above was contained under the heading, Count One of the indictment, Conspiracy to Defraud the United States.  It described in detail the Conspiracy as charged.  This description took 42 pages of the 45 total in the indictment.

Count Two of the indictment is labeled, Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding and incorporated all of the above by reference.  The same is true of Count Three, Obstruction of, and Attempt to Obstruct, an Official Proceeding.  These three counts reference differing statutes covering the described events.

Count Four was slightly different in that it was Conspiracy Against Rights in that the Defendant and his Co-Conspirators and others, did injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate one or more persons in the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States-that is, the right to vote, and to have one's vote counted.  Count Four falls on page 45, the last page that bears the signature of Jack Smith, Special Counsel, United States Department of Justice.


  Silver Lining? Is there a silver lining to the Trump presidency? Well, maybe not silver, but perhaps pewter? I think all would agree that ...