Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dear America,

Dear America,

As one of your family, I feel this letter is long overdue.  I have been with you for over seven decades and have thoroughly enjoyed my membership in this proud group of individuals.  You started life with but around 2.5 million American souls in 1776, and our family has grown to over 331 million today.  In my time, I have seen thirteen of our forty-five presidents govern the land we lease from Mother Nature and like to call the United States.  I heard you weren’t feeling well and I thought it would be a good time to drop you a line.

You began your existence with great hope and promise.  You have survived many wars including one among your own citizens.  You have seen greatness in leadership and its folly.  Our stewardship of the land beneath our feet, the air that we breathe, the inland waters and surrounding seas, has been irresponsible at best.  You have seen those precious resources scarred, polluted, deforested, overfished, and poisoned.  You have witnessed the ideals upon which you were founded twisted to suit the greedy.  Our once great nation has been plundered for the benefit of a few; those few now govern what was once a country of, for, and by the people.

Is there hope for our future?  Can we right the ship of liberty and restore it to its former glory?  Can “we the people” gain control of the helm and steer a course that is good and true?  Can the divided states of America be once again united?  I feel the answers lie in the one pillar of our democracy that, while greatly weakened by malice, remains to correct the error of our former ways.  To that end, our election process may be our salvation.  Will we remember in November?  Time will tell.  Until then I hope you can enjoy your 244th birthday this coming July and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Your friend and fellow citizen,


Homestead Air Show 2010 by Jack Dallas

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