Sunday, August 2, 2020

Make America Strong

President Donald Trump claims that, because of his support for our military, he has made America stronger. I disagree. The strength of our nation is much more than our military might. We are strong when we are at a common purpose. We are strong when our people are financially secure and not living paycheck to paycheck. We are strong when we are healthy and not fearful of dying from an unmanaged epidemic. We are strong when we are no longer fearful of financial ruin should we get sick. We are strong when all among us are nutritionally secure. We are strong when we can work one job and afford rent, food, clothing, and have at least some small amount to set aside for a rainy day. We are strong when we can safely retire once we enter our “twilight years.” That, Mr. Trump, is a strong America.

Is Joe Biden the type of person who can overcome the political obstacles to make America strong again? I don’t know. What I do know is that Trump has had almost four years and has made America weaker through misplaced priorities and an empty managerial toolbox. Germany’s Angela Merkel has managed the Covid-19 crisis and has had but one-fourth the death rate per one million people when compared to Trump’s America. How can that be? Trump supporters; just ask yourself that one question. What was the difference between Germany’s handling of the problem and the way we did it? Could it be that she actually managed the crisis instead of ignoring it, hoping it would go away “like magic,” shifting the blame to 50 state governors, then blaming Obama, and then blaming China?

In a recent interview, an analyst gave the anecdotal explanation of a boat on fire. They asked what would be the best response, figuring out who started the fire or banding together to put the fire out. This would be a rhetorical question to all but Donald Trump.

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