Monday, June 7, 2021

American Ideals Shredded on January 6, 2021

As Americans, we are proud of our country and the democracy upon which it was founded.  While most of us can trace our heritage to other countries, we all identify as Americans.  Some of us came as explorers, others were escaping religious persecution, some fled starvation, and all sought new opportunities in a new land.  Some people were brought here against their will as slaves, and others were indentured servants who owed someone a debt for their travel.  All would eventually be free to live in a land destined to be governed by the people, all the people.

Americans have fought and died to protect the freedoms we now enjoy.  We recently celebrated Memorial Day honoring those who died to protect our freedoms.  We also just remembered D-Day as a turning point in our last World War.  Next month we will celebrate our nation’s independence from the tyranny of the ruling king.  The documents written by our early patriots outlined the goals of this great experiment in democracy.  The ideals expressed in our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence provided the structure by which we have sworn to live with these precious freedoms.  These are freedoms that are to be shared by all of our citizens.

We are a representative democracy wherein we elect individuals to support our interests.  Our form of government recognizes a two-party system where either of the two parties has a realistic chance of attaining a majority.  Each party forms alliances around common goals.  While each party may pull in one direction or the other for things like universal versus private healthcare, limited or more expansive government, union representation, a living minimum wage, affordable college tuitions, lower taxes, etc., both will claim they fully support our democracy and the ideals for which it stands.

With all that said, I find it appalling that our current Republican Party has seemingly abandoned its belief in our democratic principles.  While they will emphatically deny that they no longer support our democratic way of life, they don’t have a leg to stand on after the events of January 6, 2021, and their subsequent complacency with this atrocity.  Those were not patriots exercising their right to free speech in support of some deep-held belief, they were anarchists who were trying to overthrow our elected government.

Not one shred of evidence has been given in support of their claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent.  Their representatives brought their grievances (40+ cases) regarding the election before our judicial system and all cases were found to be without merit.  In 2020, the election just didn’t go their way.  Just as 9-11 was an attack on our democracy, so was the insurrection of January 6, 2021, “a date which will live in infamy.” (credit FDR, Dec. 7, 1941)

Not one Republican deserves to call themselves a patriot if they cannot express outrage at the atrocities committed against our democratic way of life by a mob inspired by a disgruntled former president because he/they didn’t get their way in a fair election.  This is not grammar school, not everyone wins a trophy.  Don’t even begin to say the election wasn’t fair until you can prove such fraud in a court of law.  Smoke and mirrors and innuendo will no longer be tolerated.  This is a democracy and if you don’t believe in the rule of law, our judicial system, and the goals outlined in our Constitution, you must relinquish the right to call yourself a patriotic American.

Waiving our flag doesn’t make you a patriot.  Claiming support for our military doesn’t make you a patriot.  It will be your actions regarding this failed coup that will be forever written in the history books. That is what will decide your claim as a patriot.  We understand why you don’t want to investigate the events surrounding this infamous day of insurrection.  You already know what most Americans know.  You just don’t want to relive the shame of a failed president who would be our first authoritarian leader if given half a chance.  You already have too much riding on the political spin that wants to blur the facts and memories of this fateful day.  No, an investigation would only bring to light facts that are already too clear to be denied.  There is nothing in it for you but your morality and sense of decency.  If investigating and finding truth harms you politically, perhaps you haven't been doing the job you were elected to do.

Disclaimer, ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand,
only modern-day Republicans do this.

If investigating and finding truth harms you politically, perhaps you haven't been doing the job you were elected to do.

Donald Trump was not elected to be our president in the election of 2020.  He was voted out of office.  It is clear, the emperor has no clothes.  He lost the popular vote 74 million to 81 million.  He lost the electoral college 232 to Biden’s 306.  He lost all of the judicial challenges protesting the election results.  The attempted coup of January 6, 2021, was just that, a failed coup.  This was a serious attack on our democracy and it deserves to be thoroughly investigated and those who broke our laws need to be held accountable.  Republicans, it is time to do the right thing and reclaim your right to be called a patriot.  Until you admit that this was a serious attack on our democratic way of life, you need to hang your heads in shame.  It should be a comfortable position for you as you have, up to now, kept your heads buried in the sand and have ignored the facts.




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