Friday, January 6, 2023

Interesting Times

We live in interesting times. The Republican party is the dog who caught the car. They captured the House but are now having a hard time deciding who will drive it. Kevin McCarthy had the Speaker's chambers cleaned and measured for new curtains, perhaps a bit prematurely. Now he sits in the Republican circular firing squad hoping for a good outcome.

One of McCarthy's big problems is that his opposition hasn't listed anything that they want from him. He has no place to go to negotiate. I am reminded of the scene in Goldfinger when James Bond is strapped to a moving table with an industrial laser cutting metal between his legs and threatening to ruin his day. Bond, looking to negotiate, asks what Goldfinger wants to which Goldfinger replies, "I want you to die."

You know that things are bad when Marjorie Taylor Greene is the voice of reason. Trump rolled the dice one more time and declared McCarthy his guy. Nobody is sure if Trump’s endorsement is a good thing at this point, much like the so-called Chinese curse referenced in the intro, May you live in interesting times. Whatever the outcome, Margo Channing’s line, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night,” from All About Eve, seems appropriate. This congress appears headed for a dearth of meaningful legislation.
For the next two years, the House of Representatives will be run by the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight, which features a good cast but poor implementation and direction. If released today that movie would head straight to cable. The future of this House looks like another box-office flop.

While we all await something other than black smoke coming from the Vatican, excuse me, the House chimney, we will have to put up with the talking heads on all networks discussing all the possible scenarios. I say they should just appoint George Santos as the new Speaker and call it a day.

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