Thursday, February 15, 2024


1. That if you are a Republican, some of our opinions may differ but I will treat you with respect and I hope you will do the same.
2. That if you are an Independent, you have probably made decisions that cause you to lean left or right in your opinions, but number one above applies to you as well.
3. That abortions are a medical matter that should be decided by a patient and her doctor and not some politician. Medical ethics and personal medical decisions should never be controlled by political mandates. That these decisions must value the life of the mother and policies and guidelines for abortions should be the premise of medical boards, not religions or political pundits. That this standard should be uniform for the entire nation as a right of all Americans and not some patchwork quilt of laws designed at the whim of local zealots.
4. That border security and immigration are such serious matters, immediate legislation is warranted, and that legislation should not be predicated on pushing other political agendas outside the scope of solving the border security and immigration problem. Such solutions should severely limit economic migration, humanely and quickly resolve asylum claims, and recognize that some immigration is necessary for the economic future of our country.
5. That responsible adults should be allowed to own such firearms as may be necessary for personal defense, hunting, and sport shooting, but that no individual needs a semi-automatic or fully automatic long gun for such purposes. That all firearms be kept away from those individuals who are incapable of making sane and rational decisions. That minors should only be allowed access to firearms under the supervision of responsible adults who accept responsibility for the actions of those minors.
6. That all individuals who believe our nation should abandon democracy and accept authoritarian rule should not read item one with any expectation that it applies to them.
7. That our constitution provides for freedom of religion and freedom from religion. That there never was any intent by our nation’s founders to favor Christianity as a national religion, or for that matter, any religion as more important than another. That, when religions become agents for political change or manage to provide financial wealth to select individuals beyond median income levels, they should be taxed as businesses. That, while religion may guide ethical decisions, religious doctrine should not be used as a legal foundation for the creation of our laws.
8. That, if you have found religion and it helps you to lead a good life, consider yourself lucky. That whatever that religion happens to be, it should value peace, love, and happiness for all above everything else. That no religion should be foisted upon someone else except by your own good example. That any religion that advocates violence as means to some end is no longer a religion and should not be protected as such.
9. That all political leaders and judges, both elected and appointed, should be limited to eight years in those positions. That all such individuals are mandated to provide full annual financial disclosure for themselves and immediate family members and be restricted from decision-making or policy decisions that might affect those investments. That no judge or government official or their immediate family members may accept any gift of value from anyone who might possibly benefit from their decisions. That money is not speech and that financial restrictions should be reinstated to help keep voting decisions for people and policy fair and equitable.
10. That capitalism is a good thing, but not the only thing. For capitalism to survive and flourish, the people within that capitalistic society must also flourish. That there must be some level of socialism to provide the necessary balance between the fortunate and the less fortunate. This does not advocate taking from the rich to give to the lazy, but it does advocate a system that fairly taxes all manner of wealth accumulation and not just wages. This fairness in taxation also applies to public and private corporations.

This list is representative of my feelings, but it should not be considered complete or fully comprehensive for these and other matters of concern. As with all such lists, your mileage may vary, objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, some settling of contents may have occurred during shipping, and use caution when driving or operating heavy machinery. As always, if you should be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This list will self-destruct in five seconds.

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