Monday, March 25, 2024
Politics and Entertainment
Monday, March 18, 2024
We The People
We The People
Off By 40 Years
Off By 40 Years
The dystopian future promised by George Orwell in his novel 1984, arrived 40 years late. Orwell wrote his famous novel in 1949 when I was four. He wrote of a totalitarian society where individual freedoms were no longer tolerated and the government asserted total control over its citizens. What has arrived in America is perhaps more aligned with authoritarianism where our citizens have been blinded into submission by a corrupt state intent on limited political freedoms and suppression of dissent. Our near future could be called disTrumpian, after its founder.
We no longer need Orwell’s Big Brother or the Thought Police, these have been replaced by corrupt influencers using the mental narcotic of social media. The propaganda of our present is not the “Newspeak” of Orwell’s novel, but a similar corruption of language using euphemism. It is here where that which would otherwise be offensive is now tolerated. Making America Great Again is a catch-all euphemism that covers the sins of xenophobia, antisemitism, and bigotry with a sense of national pride and White Christian supremacy.
Our current thought police are rewriting our history to further their own ideology. Books are being banned and the new thought police are trying to control what is taught in our schools. An example of doublespeak would be, “Stop Woke” where the mere mention of certain ideas found to be distasteful to some are banned. W.O.K.E. is a doublespeak acronym that means “Wrong to our Kids and Employees.” This concept, being promoted in the name of freedom, is that the State has unfettered authority to muzzle its professors. The Stop Woke Act, aka Individual Freedom Act, would permit professors to promote speech that the government sanctioned but would prohibit speech it did not like. Under the guise of "protecting freedom," the law would also control a Florida corporation's right to conduct training that the government saw as WOKE. Florida would have its own "Ministry of Truth" to restrict free speech using the doublespeak of protecting speech.
America was once the shiny apple of democratic freedoms. That apple began rotting at its core in 1976 with the Supreme Court ruling in Buckley v Valeo that decided that limits on election expenditures are unconstitutional. The second decision in Citizens United v Federal Election Commission in 2010 allowed corporations to join the unincorporated masses with unfettered financial access to government officials. Those decisions made political decisions subject to the unfair influence and prejudice of financial gain. What would be “right for the country” would mean “what is financially expedient” for the politician.
Our metaphoric shiny apple was now awash with cash. It wouldn’t be long before the lure of all that cash would attract some hungry worms. One such ravenous worm entered the political mainstream who was a master of doublespeak. He honed his skills in the entertainment industry. He is the promised one. He is the Big Brother worm that will feast on the fruits of our labors to his heart’s content.
This new entrant on the political scene will mesmerize the masses with promises of a better life that only he can deliver. He points to the obvious corruption of the existing political machinery, and the banality of their current existence. He provides scapegoats for their wrath and tells them he will make them great again. They are ripe for the picking. They line up to be shorn. They bleat out their delight. They ignore his flaws.
They ignore any of his scary rhetoric with, “he was just kidding.” They have become Mizaru and Kikazaru, the first two of the Three Wise Monkeys of the Japanese maxim. They see and hear no evil even as it engulfs them. They will ignore Iwazaru, the third wise monkey, and will shout their evil. There is safety and comfort within the cadre of like-minded souls.
On March 16, 2024, our worm with a combover threatened a “blood bath” if he loses another election this November. Assumably, the insurrection of January 6, 2020, was just a rehearsal for the carnage that would ensue if things didn’t go his way. In usual fashion, our blonde invertebrate called the not-unexpected outrage resulting from his remarks, Fake News. We should have known that he was talking only about auto imports.
Here is the verbatim quote, “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.” As hard as I look, I have failed to find the words auto or import anywhere in this statement.
While Orwell was referring to Nazism and Stalinism where any who dare to think thoughts not promoted by the state may be tortured into submission. Where political propaganda is superior to truth and trumps (no pun intended) free speech. Americans will have to decide this November if this worm represents the future of our democratic apple or if we should toss it to protect the good apples left in the bushel basket.
Are we to suffer the fate of Winston Smith of 1984 fame and emerge from the horrors of Room 101 blinded by the false promises of a charlatan? Will we opt for a solution much worse than the problem? Will we blindly accept a government of unchecked power that will lead to unchecked corruption, or will we make the effort to actually solve the multitude of problems that face us? Should we accept our dysTrumpian future? Nobody ever said democracy would be easy.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Lost in the Weeds
As I sit in my recliner and gaze upon the political arena of 2024 through my 65” window to the world, I am reminded of a job I had in the mid-60s. I worked summers for the Florida State Road Department on a survey crew. On one of those jobs, we were called to do some preliminary work on what would become Alligator Alley, aka I-75 to the west coast of Florida.
In a time before GPS, we followed paper road maps in our yellow survey truck to the edge of the Everglades. We had to “chop line” to lay out the location of what would become an interstate. Then, it was only swamp, sawgrass, brush, snakes, and assorted crawly things.
I would put on my rubber boots, lace up my snake leggings, and strap on the “brush king.” This tool was essentially a weed whacker on steroids. It had a gas engine attached to a long pole and a free-spinning metal blade that could cut through the sawgrass, brush, and small trees. In my harness I was safe and everyone else was in danger as I cut a rough path in a general westbound direction, which we thought would be the centerline of the new road. I was literally up to my ass in alligators but safe if I had gas left in my tank.
While I was buried in the heavy brush and weeds, I had only a vague idea of where I was going. I just knew I had to clear a path to better tell the contractor where to build the road. Watching today's political machinations, I feel we are still staring into the weeds and can’t see the bigger picture.
Joe Biden in his 2024 SOTU address referred to an “undocumented” person as an “illegal.” The PC Police quickly sounded the alarm, called out their media SWAT teams, and excoriated the president for his gaff. WTF! To become an “undocumented” person who is now hiding in this country, you have to have broken at least one of our laws. I would guess their point here is that while the act is illegal, the person isn’t. We are so concerned with semantics that we have lost sight of the real problem. We are once again caught with our heads down in the weeds.
The problem is the broken immigration system, not semantics. The immigration problem is a multi-headed hydra which, like the monster of Greek mythology, is immortal as long as it still has at least one head. Just as Hercules needed the help of his nephew Iolaus and a golden sword from Athena to slay the Hydra, any president needs the help of a Congress willing to put political theatre aside long enough to address the problem. President Biden’s main problem is that one of this Hydra's many heads with poisonous breath is none other than, “The Predecessor.”
Helping to fertilize the weeds is our "Us-vs-Them" mentality. Last night flipping channels I ran across an interview with a Latina politician discussing the immigration problem in Del Rio, Texas. The interviewer asked this person how, as a second-generation immigrant herself, she justified her support for Donald Trump who calls immigrants and the undocumented among us, “vermin” and states that they are “poisoning the blood of our country.”
This politician (sorry I didn’t get her name) lived in Del Rio and the interviewer mentioned that she probably knew of undocumented individuals living in her community. The response was typical in that she proclaimed that only Republicans had conservative values, loved God, loved their country, and wanted to protect families. The interviewer repeated the question three times before moving on after she got the same rambling response.
How any person of Hispanic descent can adore a man espousing white supremacist rhetoric and echoing language last heard at this political level in Nazi Germany, is puzzling. I understand the Republican bent of many Cubans in Miami who never got over President Kennedy’s handling of the Bay of Pigs. I know the attraction of strong-man authoritarian politics among Latino voters. I understand the religious conservative values of this population.
What I will never understand is the thought that Republicans have an exclusive patent on many of the better ideas of conservativism. If friends and relatives of mine were being called vermin poisoning the blood of America, that person would be my enemy and not my leader.
Perhaps it is time to break out the metaphorical “brush king” to clear the weeds obscuring our view. We can’t have vision while petty bickering and name-calling are drowning out the voices of reason. These voices of reason exist on both sides of the aisle but the Hydra of hatred and animosity must first be slain.
Alligator Alley was initially a failure. The entire project was rushed to completion in just four years and opened in 1968 as a simple two-lane highway. It was an illustrious example of poor construction and poor environmental planning that managed to kill people and wildlife with numerous accidents. The roadway was rebuilt between 1982 and 1992 as a four-lane highway with fencing and bridges to allow water and wildlife to go underneath.
I want to first claim my innocence here as I only told them where to build the damn thing, not how. The new road is still exactly where I told them to put it. I may have had my head down in the sawgrass but somehow I managed to go in the right general direction.
The 70mph Alligator Alley is the quick way from Miami to Naples, but the Tamiami Trail to the south is the slower, more scenic route. Both roads will get you there. As a country, we know where we want to go, we even know the way, we just need to get there the right way
Friday, March 8, 2024
State of the Union Address; Biden 2024
March 8, 2024
Republican Counter to Biden SOTU Address
Republican Counter to Biden's State Of The Union Address
Alabama’s Katie Britt countered
Biden’s State of the Union address with a counter of her own, a kitchen
counter. Trying to emulate a combination of Martha Stewart (in the kitchen),
June Cleaver (explaining to Beaver), and Shari Lewis (with Lambchop), by talking
down to the American public as if they were schoolchildren, Mrs. Britt gave an
overly dramatic performance.
Her first point of contention was “the
crisis at our southern border.” She claimed that “President Biden inherited the
most secure border of all-time.” This statement wouldn’t even be true if the
term “all-time” only covered her 42 years of life. She was born in 1982 when
the Immigration Reform and Control Act was passed. From 2005 to 2009, illegal
entries declined from an average of 850,000 to only 300,000 in 2009.
By 2019, during Trump’s time in office, crossings again peaked at 852,000. Aided by the Title 42 pandemic-related immigration policy, Trump was able to shut down much of the border and implement his zero-tolerance policy where he (illegally) separated over 5,000 children from their parents with no tracking or record keeping. Mrs. Britt is correct that Biden took office during a period of low illegal immigration. The pandemic ended and with it Title 42 expired, illegal family separation was ended, and illegal immigration went back to its previous rising trend.
What Mrs. Britt failed to mention was
that Democrats and Republicans jointly drafted the toughest immigration bill,
certainly in her lifetime, and Trump-influenced Republicans killed it for
political advantage.
Mrs. Britt went on to tell a horror story about a young girl who was a victim of cartel sex traffickers. This story was mixed with fentanyl poisonings and murders like Laken Riley in Georgia. She blamed all of these things on the President’s border policies. I would ask Mrs. Britt to read the paragraph immediately above and then tell me how it is not more Trump’s current interference than the will of President Biden that is exacerbating the problem.
Mrs. Britt didn't mention the name of the young girl in her story, but she heard that tale told by the victim in 2023 during a trip to Texas. The girl's name is Karla Jacinto Romero, a Mexican citizen. The event she described took place in the years between 2004 and 2008. While Mrs. Britt blamed Biden's border policies, it was George W. Bush who was the Republican president during this period. Ms. Romero was never trafficked across the border and none of that story had anything to do with Biden's border policy. It served only as inflammatory rhetoric being used for political gain. Mrs. Britt's insinuation that this was somehow President Biden's fault is just typical Republican political theatre. Neither Bush nor Biden had anything to do with a crime committed in another country.
Her next proclamation was that
inflation was worse than it had been in 40 years. Given that inflation is
currently at 3.09%, I rate that statement, “Pants on Fire.” Even with her 1984
to 2024 timeframe, I would remind her that inflation in 1984 was 4.3%, in 1990
it was 5.4%. If we go back to the 1981 Ronald Reagan period it was 10.3% and
4.83% when he left office in 1989.
In another statement, “For years, the left has coddled criminals and defunded the police — all while letting repeat offenders walk free.” I would remind her that the Laken Riley murder by an illegal immigrant happened in Georgia where that suspect had been arrested multiple times and released. Georgia has a Republican governor. As for defunding the police and not supporting the police, I would remind her of Donald Trump’s actions where he allowed the January 6th rioters (insurrectionists) to beat, club, mace, and cause the deaths of the police protecting our Capitol Building. The GOP also has bragged about cutting the budget (aka defunding) of the nation's police department, the FBI. Their celebrated 6% cut to the FBI budget was largely money for construction at the bureau’s campus at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The funding was placed into the budget years ago by Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the legendary pork-barreling veteran who retired in 2022 at the age of 88. Mrs. Britt doesn't even have to leave her own state of Alabama to see a GOP example of cuts to a police budget.
She stated, “We’ve become a nation in retreat. And the enemies of freedom see an opportunity. Putin’s brutal aggression in Europe has put our allies on the brink.” Might I remind her that her champion wants to abandon NATO, has continually praised Vladimir Putin, and her Republican friends have withheld financial and military support for Ukraine because they want to use it as a bargaining chip for other things. President Putin has no greater allies than Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
Mrs. Britt threw down the hypocrite flag when Biden banned TikTok for government employees but has an account for his campaign. Donald Trump signaled his opposition to legislation that would ban TikTok in the US despite his previous support for a ban. His was more of a personal gripe than one regarding national security. It seems that a ban on TikTok would benefit Facebook (Meta) and Mark Zuckerberg both of whom are on the Trump enemies list.
She asks, “…are you better off than you were three years ago?” Well, three years ago we were just emerging from the throes of a global pandemic and the resulting threat to our economy. Since then, jobs, paychecks, spending, wealth, and financial security have made big gains which help mitigate the burden of inflation. Of course, many of the recent gains have made life better for the wealthy a bit more than the rest of us. For that, you can thank decades of Republicans prioritizing big business and the wealthy at the expense of the lower classes who are still waiting for Reagan’s promised trickle to reach them.
Further along in her emotional speech, she said, “We want to give you and your children the opportunities to thrive — and we want families to grow. It’s why we strongly support continued nationwide access to invitro fertilization.” Perhaps she forgot that we had all seen her name and the tagline below her picture that identified her as a Senator from Alabama. Yes, the same state who recklessly passed such restrictive abortion laws that its Supreme Court ruled in February that frozen embryos were to be considered children under state law.”
The Alabama Legislature had to scramble two days ago to undo the damage so they could protect IVF. Alabama, the “whoops we went too far state.” This new legislation doesn’t address the frozen embryo personhood issue. You may still be allowed to travel in the carpool lane in Alabama with a cooler of dry ice and a few frozen embryos.
I just know that Saturday Night Live is nearing completion of its Britt's family kitchen set and is putting the finishing touches on the script for the parody.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
The Bible and Football
Before Andy Griffith walked the streets of Mayberry as its loveable country sheriff, father to Opie, nephew to Aunt Bea, boss of Barnie, customer of Floyd, and landlord for Otis, he was a standup comedian. His comedy album, Just For Laughs, had a cut titled, What It Was, Was Football. In that comedy routine, he played a country boy who traveled to a nearby college town to help with a religious tent service. While trying to “get us a bite to eat a-fore we set up the tent,” he is caught up in a crowd and swept into a football stadium. As he didn’t know anything about the sport his description is from a unique perspective.
“…And what I seen was this whole raft of people a-sittin’ on these two banks and a-lookin at one another across this pretty little green cow pasture. Somebody had took and drawed white lines all over it, and drove posts in it, and I don’t know what all, and I looked down there and I seen five or six convicts a-runnin’ up and down a-blowin’ whistles.” “…It was that both bunches of them men wanted this funny-lookin’ pumpkin to play with.” He later goes on to conclude that he still didn’t know what he saw that day but he had studied on it. He concluded, “…it’s some kindly of a contest where they see which bunchful of them men can take that pumpkin and run from one end of that cow pasture to the other without getting’ knocked down or steppin’ in somethin’.”
This routine gets its humor by pointing out that looking at something with fresh eyes provides a perspective that is unique to the observer. That observation may be somewhat descriptive but not necessarily accurate. This brings us to the Bible. According to some estimates there are over 3,030 versions in over 2,011 languages. Since 1526, Tyndale’s English translation alone has created around 900 different versions. According to Global University’s guide, there are at least eight popular versions in common usage today.
The Bible has both the Old and New Testaments based on 66 books written by various authors over hundreds of years. These books were translated from Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. They were hand-copied by scribes which resulted in errors and discrepancies as well as a wide variety of interpretations. The first portion covering the life of Jesus wasn’t written until decades after his death by Paul the Apostle who admits he never met Jesus. Much of the New Testament was originally written 70 to 110 years after his death.
All of this is to say that the Christian Bible was written by a wide variety of people with varying points of view over a long period and none of it was from contemporaneous observation. Like the football analogy above the Bible should not be taken “as gospel.” There are admittedly errors, and bias, and to use the current vernacular, some of it is “fake news.” None of this is to deny the importance of the Bible or the solace it may provide to the millions of Christians who follow its teachings, but to attribute this great book with some divine certainty would be disingenuous.
With the background described above, the thought that current judges like Chief Justice Tom Parker of the Alabama Supreme Court are quoting Bible scripture in their rulings as justification that supersedes existing law is ludicrous. The Bible may guide his conscience, but it should not be cited as a legal foundation or precedent. In his concurring opinion, Parker wrote, “Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself.”
Aside from the fact that current law allows all Americans to practice any religion they want and not just a Christian religion and allows them the privilege of being atheist or agnostic if they choose, separation of church and state is legally well established. In current polls, the vast majority (73%) of Americans agree that religion should be kept separate from government policies.
We see this as a recurring theme where government officials advocate for Christian nationalism that seeks priority for Christianity over all other religions and beliefs. US House Speaker Mike Johnson went so far as to proclaim that our church-state separation was a “misnomer.” His position mimics many others in power who are attempting to promote their own interpretation of our Constitution as a Christian Constitution.
Among those who drafted our Constitution and Declaration of Independence-Washington, Franklin, Madison, and Monroe, were deists. While they all held to some religious beliefs, they were more often theistic rationalists who believed in both religion and rationalism. In this philosophy, they held that rationalism is the predominant element. Deists believe in a supreme being who created the universe that would operate solely by natural laws. They believed that after creating the universe, God would be absent from the world. The founders believed in reason over dogma.
They would respect religions like Christianity and believed that one person’s faith was not to be intruded upon by the government. Likewise, religious doctrine should not be enshrined in governance. Rationalism is a philosophy involving the study of nature, origin, and scope of knowledge, so that it may be used to apply reason as justification. The theistic rationalists would want to draw conclusions from existing information in a search for the truth. They would not be of the mind to search through a Bible to find the truth. They would use their knowledge and experience to form rational thoughts that could be applied to their decisions.
For our present-day leaders to proclaim that ours is a Christian nation founded on a Christian Constitution is a complete fabrication. There was no intent to create a Christian nation. Not a single Founding Father made any such claim in our founding documents or in any piece of private correspondence. These current politicians, judges, and government leaders who make any claim of Christion Nationalism based on our historical origins are wholly inaccurate and self-serving.
Our current national idolatry and proclaimed self-righteousness based on Scripture is merely an attempt to use the Bible as a tool to support a political agenda. The Bible as previously mentioned is not as accurate or infallible as some might claim, and it is vague and cryptic enough to provide reference for almost any cause or position. While our Founding Fathers were generally religious men who wanted to protect religion, they never identified Christianity as a national choice. Ours was not to be a Christian Nation but merely a nation where religion might be allowed to be of some influence.
Just as football is played by the most recent NFL Rulebook, our laws are defined by our Constitution and any enacted under that authority. The NFL rulebook is changed regularly and our Constitution may be amended as needed. Judges and referees interpret these rules and laws. It is not up to these judges and referees to change what was intended when the laws and rules were drafted. Using the Bible as some preeminent authority to make laws or provide interpretation would be like having Taylor Swift decide whether or not Travis Kelce had both feet in bounds for a go-ahead touchdown. In neither case would the decision be without bias.
Friday, March 1, 2024
Bidenomics vs. Trumpenomics
Bidenomics vs. Trumpenomics
Silver Lining? Is there a silver lining to the Trump presidency? Well, maybe not silver, but perhaps pewter? I think all would agree that ...
One persistent argument from the Left and the Right seems to involve the merits of capitalism over socialism and vice versa. The proponent...
“The economy stupid” phrase was first coined by James Carville in 1992, while he was Bill Clinton’s strategist. It was true then as it wa...
With well over seven decades in the rearview mirror, I’m not the one who should be most fearful of what lies ahead for our country. Those w...