Monday, June 10, 2024

Bad Boy Mentality

History has lauded the anti-hero. From Robin Hood to Butch and Sundance to Al Capone, robbers and thieves have been elevated to stardom and fame. They somehow can “go after the man” and strike a blow for “the little guy.” The man in this case is any authority figure and the little guy is any commoner who might be within that figure’s span of control. Crime bosses like Lucky Luciano, Carlo Gambino, John Gotti, and Pablo Escobar could be both idolized and feared.
The bad boy archetype is of fascination for some people. They appear confident, independent, and self-sufficient. Their rebellious nature promises excitement. This character trait is often a mask for insecurity rooted in narcissism. The tough-guy armor hides the fragile narcissist within. Psychologists find that those most susceptible to the bad boy charm are those who constantly seek validation and fulfillment of some unmet need.
Bad boys provide a level of chaos that may be seen as exciting for those with boring lives. These harbingers of turmoil can break the monotony of mundane lives and offer meaning and purpose. Bad boys are both captivating and manipulative, often masters of emotional dialogue. Candidate Donald Trump told a loyal crowd in Waco, Texas, “I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”
Theologians have long analyzed the biblical Satan whose malignant narcissism is central to his nature. Satan is self-centered, cruel, vindictive, and devoid of compassion and empathy. Some would say that Trump matches Satan trait for trait. Satan is the ultimate bad boy with superhuman powers whose lack of empathy allows his evil to flourish. Trump claims that he is a “stable genius” who never makes mistakes. He can never admit failure. He must always claim victory even while standing in the ashes of defeat.
Above all, Donald Trump is a media character and not a person in the true sense of accepted humanity. He is but an actor strutting through life and following a script he authored for himself. While he writes his own material, he does have his influencers. The Two Steves I call them. In Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, he has his Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler to guide him. Trump’s Two Steves are right out of Central Casting. Miller provides his racist draconian immigration policies, and Bannon is his Thomas Cromwell on all things in the realm of white nationalism. With their help, Trump has become the Übermensch of his dreams.

It would seem that even those claiming a strong Christian identity, they like their bad boys too. In 2019 a Fox News poll found that a quarter of Americans believed “God wanted Trump to become president.” He has been likened to Jehu from the Old Testament who led ancient Israel away from idolatry. Who better to lead modern Christianity than a narcissistic self-centered adulterer?
This religious adoption of their very own bad boy can be seen in the twisted rationalization of Peggy Young Nance. She is the president of Concerned Women of America who was questioned about her support for a convicted sexual predator who brags about his privileged status that allows him to grab women by their privates. Her reply was, “We weren’t looking for a husband. We were looking for a bodyguard.” With logic like that, who needs a conscience?
The ultra-religious right would have you denounce Satan and claim that the terrors of Hell await those who do not. As champions of their faith they espouse the teachings of Jesus Christ. What little I know about the leader of the Christian faith tells me he was a good person. His values and teachings stressed helping people who were in trouble and suffering. He taught that we should support the poor, feed the hungry, welcome strangers, and provide shelter for the homeless. He was a man of charity and humility. Which of these traits describe Donald J. Trump?
Satan, on the other hand, tempted Jesus on a mountaintop and promised Him the kingdoms of the world if he would only bow down and worship him. Trump too demands fealty and will cast out dissenters. Where Jesus taught love, Trump teaches hate. Is Trump the “Second Coming” or is he the promised antichrist? I am reminded of the Charles Baudelaire (and others) quote made famous in the movie The Usual Suspects, “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

The bad boy anger and excitement are always present at MAGA rallies. Trump sets up the recipients of their hate in the build-up against the “libs,” immigrants, racial minorities, sexual identity minorities, and “the establishment.” In traditional authoritarian fashion, Trump creates his us versus them camaraderie and promises that he is their champion against the perceived evildoers. The cheering cult is ecstatic in their delirium.
Billy the Kid was very popular in New Mexico. He was loyal to his friends and partied with the best of them. He liked pretty girls and enjoyed dancing. He was also a cow thief, and he was charged with the murder of a sheriff. Sentenced to be hanged he escaped custody by killing two deputies. Sheriff Pat Garrett tracked him down and killed him. Billy the Kid became more popular after his death when he was immortalized in a book describing his legend.
We can only hope that Trump is once again thwarted in this, his third run for the presidency and that he will become but a footnote to this terrible period in American history. A time when we were almost tricked into abandoning our 248-year-old experiment in democracy for the chicanery of an authoritarian bad boy.

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