Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Maga Zone

 In a time where the lines between fact and fiction are so ill-defined as to be non-existent, ignorance is not just a virtue but a means of survival. The cacophony of oxymoronic drivel brings excitement to the humdrum existence of the hapless. The price of admission, your soul.

Welcome to the MAGA Zone. In this new era, we find Christian morality used as an excuse for greed. The Golden Rule that was the basis for many modern religions has been abandoned and all but one aspect of that philosophy has been lost; they will keep the gold.

Money and power are promoted as short-term objectives so that the faithful may spread “The Word.” In this sense, that “Word” is whatever they say at any given moment. It changes according to their need. The “short-term” objective of money and power will become a long-term necessary evil in furtherance of other ill-defined rhetoric. False promises of a better life are the carrot on a very long stick motivating the myopic plodders of the New Republic. Money and power were never tools to an end, they were the original objective.

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