Tuesday, July 18, 2017

In Memoriam

It is with great sadness and sense of loss that we, the American people, announce to the world the loss of our dear friend, Integrity.  After suffering through a prolonged illness, Integrity succumbed to the cancers of corporate greed and political expediency on January 20, 2017.  Integrity was predeceased by her companion of many years, Honesty.

Both Integrity and Honesty traveled the psyche of America for centuries and basked in the knowledge that they represented the ne plus ultra of ideals upon which this great country was founded.  They are survived by their children Hope and Change.

Integrity was well known in political circles many years ago.  However, she fell out of favor when her rival, Money, became the true leader of our government.  Integrity and Honesty will be remembered by the generations of Americans who relish the period in our history when political utterances were not peppered with deceit and lies.  We will long for the time when a person’s word and a warm handshake could be trusted.  We will forever miss our not so distant past, when political rivals could sanely discuss important issues and come to reasoned conclusions that would be of mutual benefit to their constituencies. 

Our American ideals and future are now in the hands of Hope and Change. 

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