Friday, April 2, 2021

Mann and Morality

For those of us of a certain vintage who also happen to bear the curse of that pesky Y-chromosome, we all knew about the Mann Act. We didn’t know its fine legal details or history, we just knew that when you turned 18 it would be dangerous to “date” anyone younger. Eighteen was the magical birthdate where you became eligible to go to jail, old enough to get drafted and die for your country, but still too young to drink or vote. You didn’t know much at that age, but you understood that the consequences of “dating” a girl under 18 could be severe. The older you got beyond 18, the more you knew the dangers of that threshold. It was the law.

Back then, we had all heard of the problems faced by Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley, all of whom had relationships with young girls. Jerry Lee Lewis ended up marrying his 13-year-old cousin when he was 22. Elvis was 24 when he began dating 14-year-old Pricilla Beaulieu on a German army base. Chuck Berry was arrested under the Mann Act for transporting a 14-year-old runaway girl across state lines for immoral purposes while he was 33. Because of the racial double standard, Berry was imprisoned while Elvis remained free. Jerry Lee was ostracized by music buyers for a while, but he was supported by the girl’s family. I don't know if people were more upset with her age or the fact that she was his cousin.

Apparently, while the Mann Act existed for mere mortals, celebrities were governed by a different set of laws. Politicians of the day were not yet protected by celebrity; in fact, the opposite was true. Just a whiff of a scandal involving extramarital sex could be problematic and sex with a minor would sound the death knell for your political career.

It would now appear that, under the guidance of Donald Trump’s moral compass, a few of his political followers have strayed from course. These associates are about to get acquainted with that century-old law that clarifies, at the federal level, the wide disparity of rules within state regulations.
The Mann Act goes back to 1910 when, admittedly, our social mores were more onerous and constricting. It was also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act. This act made it a felony to transport any woman or girl across state lines for prostitution, “debauchery,” or immoral purpose. It was a broad and vague little piece of legislation and, until its clarification by way of amendments in 1978 and 1986, it was used to enforce whatever morality was in vogue.

Even after its amendments, it was still illegal to transport women for prostitution or “illegal acts.” While the original law was passed in the hysteria of xenophobia, particularly regarding the Chinese, and a fear of young girls being forced into prostitution by organized gangs of foreigners, its main use was to prevent sex with minors and to prevent Black men from having relations with White women. This latter “crime” was recently brought to light with Donald Trump’s pardoning of Jack Johnson, aka the Galveston Giant, a Black boxer, and the first-ever African American world heavyweight boxing champion. Mr. Johnson’s crime was that he was a successful Black man and married to a white woman. He was charged under the Mann Act and got a year in prison.

Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz is a major Donald Trump friend and supporter. He is currently under investigation for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old minor girl. Since he paid for her travel, the federal Mann Act can be used. Another Donald Trump supporter, Joel Greenberg is also under investigation for the sex trafficking of girls ages 14 to 17. Mr. Greenberg is friends with both Matt Gaetz and Trump's friend Roger Stone. Another Trump friend is currently on trial for sex trafficking of minors, Ghislaine Maxwell. She of course was the associate of Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein also involved in the underage sex trade.

So, among personal friends of Donald Trump who have been charged or indicted for having sex with minors we now have Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Matt Gaetz, and Joel Greenberg. It must be pointed out here that Donald Trump has never been charged with sex with a minor as he has only bragged about his access to Miss Teen USA dressing rooms where girls were undressed because he could “get away with things like that.”
While I don’t think anyone mentioned above was unaware of the criminal nature of these offenses it is somewhat astonishing that they chose to ignore the risk. Perhaps the privilege of wealth will continue to protect them, excepting of course Jeffrey Epstein whose charges got “resolved” in an unpleasant fashion either at his own hand or with some assistance. Joel Greenberg is a particularly despicable character for many other reasons besides the sex trafficking of minors. I would think it likely that a jail cell will be in his future. Ms. Maxwell would also be a likely candidate for incarceration.

I don’t know if Matt Gaetz is guilty or innocent, but if being a major putz was a crime, he would be found guilty and sentenced to life without parole. It is noteworthy here that Matt Gaetz was the only representative in the House to vote against The Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act. That somehow seems odd, particularly in light of this recent investigation.

Just another note from my growing up. I was taught that you are known by the company you keep. I don’t have one friend or acquaintance who has been accused of a sex crime. Donald Trump seems to attract a different set of friends with standards that many would find despicable. If Donald Trump is the new Messiah sent by God, I would venture to say we are all in trouble. I think God is pissed off about something.

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