Thursday, May 27, 2021

What is Patriotism?

This Memorial Day weekend will be celebrated by many with picnics, military air shows, and tens of thousands of Facebook posts which proclaim that true patriotism can be measured in how many likes and reposts you get on your meme-graphic featuring an American flag, a bald eagle, or some patriotic landmark.  Some of these posts will be made by people who have joined the ranks of those who believe that the shameful attack of January 6th to overthrow the results of our recent democratically held election, was somehow an act of patriotism.

My only guess is that these people fell asleep in history class when the origins of our democracy were discussed.  Our founding fathers and the patriots of the time were rebelling against the tyranny of a king who had ignored the will of the people.  We established the foundations of our democracy upon a representative government elected by the citizens of this country.  It was not a democracy founded on insurrection where might is always right and only the strong survive.

Decoration Day as it was originally called, began following the end of our Civil War.  One of the first such celebrations was organized by formerly enslaved people in Charleston, South Carolina just weeks after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865.  Yes, for those of you still waving Confederate flags, the Confederacy lost the war and surrendered.  The original official Decoration Day was May 30, 1868, and that day was selected because it did not coincide with any particular battle of that war.  Decoration Day became Memorial Day in 1968, and it became a federal holiday in 1971 when the last Monday in May was selected. 

Our celebrated war heroes who died for their country fought to protect the values of our democracy.  Voting in an election to select our government representatives is a sacred duty of all patriotic Americans in support of that democracy.  Furthermore, the acceptance of the outcome of that election is also the duty of all patriotic Americans, even if those results are not exactly what you wanted with your one vote.  You don’t get to second guess the will of the majority without clear evidence of fraud.  You don’t get to make wild unsubstantiated accusations of fraud without evidence.

The 2020 presidential election was held according to law.  It was run by other elected officials in accordance with existing laws.  It was certified by supervisors of elections which included both Democrats and Republicans.

The votes have been counted, in some cases three and four times.  There has been no change in the outcome of our 2020 presidential election.  That election won seats for both Republicans and Democrats and Joe Biden is the duly elected president of the United States.  Making any claim to the contrary, especially without any evidence, is truly an unpatriotic act.  In the case of many involved in the events of January 6th at our nation’s capital, it amounted to treason.

Memorial Day is all about those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country.  It is not about waving flags, having picnics, watching air shows, marching in parades, or posting patriotic memes on Facebook.  If you are a true patriot, you will remember the fallen and honor their sacrifice because they died for this democracy.  None of them fought and died to support insurrection, authoritarianism, or a government ruled by a wealthy elite.  If Donald Trump were a patriot, he would take this opportunity to declare that Joe Biden is the legitimate president of the United States based on the results of a fair election.  I don’t expect this to happen, I understand he has other worries these days.

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