Thursday, July 28, 2022

DeSantis v Newsom; Let’s Get Ready to Rumble-2024

I restrict my gambling to driving in Miami.  Still, if I did venture into political wagering, I might give good odds that the 2024 presidential race will be between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom.  I must not be alone as pollsters are beginning to test the waters of both political candidates.  I use the term candidate loosely as neither has declared they are even running.

DeSantis                                    Newsom

Governor Ron is still in the fading shadow of the party leader, Donald Trump and Governor Gavin is still waiting on President Biden to decide.  Others have decided to act now on behalf of both “candidates.”  The oil and gas industry (Western States Petroleum Association) took out a full-page ad in Florida newspapers to decry Newsom’s policies in California that hit their bottom line and tax California residents at the pump.  Newsom on the other hand has taken out broadcast ads attacking Republican leaders (DeSantis) on abortion, voting rights, and free speech.

Why Florida?  With a close to even divide between Democrats and Republicans in Florida, the Sunshine State has been a major factor in several recent national elections.  For Gavin Newsom, Florida is also home to his most potent rival who is not Trump.  Nationally, Republicans are at least vaguely familiar with DeSantis and many already prefer him to Trump.  Newsom is a lesser-known Democrat on the national scene.

I would rather see Donald Trump as the 2024 Republican candidate as I think he would be weaker than DeSantis.  I also find DeSantis more of a threat to the future of American democracy than Trump, so that is saying a great deal.

Why is DeSantis so scary?  He is an autocrat with brains who greatly prioritizes politics over personal freedoms.  Examples?  Sure, I have a few.  My personal physician had her medical license threatened by DeSantis because she required patients and staff to wear protective masks in her office.  She, like many of her patients, is immunocompromised and with South Florida statistically a major Covid infection zone, she used her medical knowledge to reduce the risk of infection.  Governor Ron didn’t hold with her medical decision and wanted to terminate her ability to see patients.  The governor holds no medical degree but wants to make medical decisions that override accepted medical wisdom.

DeSantis also wants to impose his religious morality on everyone.  He is trying to shut down a bar in Miami that allowed an outdoor drag show to be seen by minors because it doesn’t fit within his moral sensibilities.  There were bare buttocks in plain view of impressionable youth.  I hope he never ventures onto any of our beaches, or he will have to pull the plug on our tourism industry.  There are more bare butts on display on virtually any of South Florida’s seaside venues and he would have a heart attack if he ever stumbled onto one of our nude beaches.

DeSantis is also banning books that he or his self-deputized army of morals police deem objectionable. They use vague references to “age appropriate” to define the limits.  The world hasn’t seen the likes of such censorship by a control freak since the rise of the Third Reich.  Florida students are not allowed to learn about the existence of the atrocities of slavery and the struggles of Black Americans during the Jim Crow era calling it a theory, aka Critical Race Theory.  All sexual identity outside his defined norm of heterosexual doesn’t exist for students of any age.

A journalist and elected Democratic National committee member representing Florida, Thomas Kennedy, confronted DeSantis about his Covid policies.  The DeSantis response was to refer Thomas' name to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for criminal investigation and surveillance.  His name, photo, and vehicle information were distributed to other law enforcement agencies.  Thomas was trying to cover a DeSantis speech but was detained for half an hour without explanation and ejected from the area, a block away from the Port of Miami garage where DeSantis was speaking. with a trespass warning.  He was never asked for press credentials and had never entered the "press-only" location.  When the police officer was reminded that the Port of Miami was a public place the officer responded, “not for you,” and a vague reference to "orders" he had.

Snapshot of post from Thomas Kennedy stopped on a public
street and kept away from a press conference at the Port of Miami
because he was "on a list."

You can read more about the Thomas Kennedy detention at this Miami New Times link.

DeSantis regularly censors journalists who may have opposing views.  Ben Frazier, a member of the National Association of Black Journalists was also “on a list” and was asked to leave a DeSantis press conference before it began.  When he refused to leave, he was yanked out of his wheelchair and placed in handcuffs.

Ben Frazier before his arrest

Free speech is under attack in Florida universities with the “Stop Woke Act” that restricts race-based teachings in schools, universities, and workplaces.  The act prohibits any teaching that could make students feel that they bear personal responsibility for historic wrongs because of their race, color, sex, or national origin.  It also blocks businesses from conducting diversity training that might make sensitive employees feel guilty.

Yes, DeSantis’ view of freedom is, in his words, “a freedom from having oppressive ideologies imposed on you without your consent.”  What the governor hasn’t figured out is that, by his defining what HE thinks is oppressive, HE is imposing HIS views on others without THEIR consent.

In keeping with his policies and views on the evils of the Covid vaccines, the same vaccines that he has taken and which he made available to his favored constituents on a priority basis early in the pandemic, he supports the actions of Centner Academy.  That is a South Florida private school that not only advised teachers not to get vaccinated but threatened to fire any teacher or staff member who got a Covid vaccine. 

The founders at Centner believe, without evidence or foundation, that vaccinated individuals can transmit from their bodies “something” that can harm others and quite possibly impact their fertility.  One of their key leaders, Alex Serrano, who has no children in public school, also got 2 books on sexual education banned in Miami-Dade County schools that he didn’t like*.  Serrano's children attend Centner Academy but he, along with 278 signers of a petition, got the book banned under the cover of the DeSantis rulings.

This and similar book for high school students had
been banned leaving no sex ed for any students.
[Banning was later reversed in a narrow 5-4 vote]

These topics would be verboten in middle and high 
schools in Miami-Dade County under the new DeSantis
morals police scrutiny.

You can read a pdf of the entire middle school text here.

So, what are Gavin Newsom’s qualifications?  One exceptionally strong point is that he is not Ron DeSantis.  He is also not Donald Trump.  I could rest my case there, but he has also run the state of California without banning books, attacking minorities and the LGBTQ community, nor has he attacked a long list of personal freedoms.  His probable opponents can’t make that claim. 

While I think Biden has done an OK job as president, I question that he can get independent voters and fence-sitters to back him again unless his opponent is Trump.  Kamala Harris is a friend of Newsom and, if she ran, he might not.  I like Harris too but I question her for the same reasons I doubt Biden’s future success.  She also has the burden of being a woman, a fact that doesn’t bother me but does bother enough folks for that to be a liability.

Who else might be on a Democratic shortlist for the presidential election in 2024?  Bernie Sanders, I like him, but his age, like Biden’s, would be a factor.  Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer offers a fresh face.  Mass. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Minn. Sen. Amy Klobuchar share the same burden of being former also-rans.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is too far to the left for many and would have difficulty winning over independents and fence-sitters.  Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg is smart, personable, and would be an excellent president, but comes with that one single personal factor that far too many in America find too difficult to comprehend.  They all have that one thing going for them though, they are not Trump or DeSantis.

The shortlist for Republicans is very short, Donald Trump (assuming he avoids legal hurdles) and Ron DeSantis.  The two are tied in many polls but the former president is nationally ahead.  Most in his own party rightfully fear the wrath of The Donald as his disapproval can be career-ending.  There are a few others with aspirations but none have shown support beyond their own home bases.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Goldilocks Principle
Getting it just right.

There are many here that could be fine leaders, but each would face an uphill battle with electability.  Even Gavin Newsom has the burden of being dyslexic.  There are those in America who don’t know what that word even means but might think that the alphabet soup of LGBTQ now has a D in it.  When it comes to electing a president in America, you always must consider the stupidity factor.  These are the same folks you could call homo sapiens and they would want to punch you in the nose fearing some disparagement.  If only we could use the Goldilocks principle to find the perfect candidate.  Not too right, not too left, but just right, or left if you prefer.

* July 29, 2022 update:  The Dade County School Board then reversed their decision and the book is back on the approved list.  No word yet from DeSantis who might challenge their decision.

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