Saturday, July 30, 2022

The FUD Factor and The Domestic Terrorism of 2020-2021

It should now be clear to all who have been paying attention, Donald J. Trump was the Osama bin Laden of the domestic terror attack of January 62021.  Much like bin Laden, Trump’s efforts didn’t begin and end in a single day.  It took months of planning.  While the events of September 11, 2001, were the culmination of months of preparation by a group of international terrorists, January 6, 2021, was the culmination of a multi-phase plan executed by a group of domestic terrorists.  What makes this latter act so vile is that it was led by the president of the United States.

Domestic Terrorist                     International Terrorist

The groundwork for January 6, 2021, was laid well before the November elections of 2020.  Back then, Trump was already claiming, before any votes had been cast, that if he lost, it was proof the election was fraudulent.  By inference, if he won, it was the will of the people in a completely fair election.  In his mind, Win=Fair, Lose=Fraud.

While bin Laden planned and directed the September 11th attacks using others as pawns, Donald Trump committed grave atrocities using gullible people in a like fashion.  It would seem that the main difference between the two is that Trump wanted to march with his rioters and was only stopped by his Secret Service staff.  While such ambition is not in keeping with this draft-dodging couch-potato with heel spurs, we may never know if his faux courage was something new.  The Secret Service deemed the events of this day unworthy of saving for posterity.  They willingly deleted all phone data for the day.  We will never know what might have happened if he had been allowed to go to the Capitol with his bodyguards to bravely go where no president had gone before.  He would have been the first president to lead an attack on his own country.

Trump hired and fired advisors and lawyers to get just the right mix of sycophants who shared his vision of win-at-all-costs.  Should that cost include breaking the law, setting aside morality, and ignoring the Constitution, they were ready.  He needed people to look at our laws as mere suggestions to be interpreted in any way necessary to allow him to retain power in the absence of enough votes to win fairly.  In this group of ne'er-do-wells, we find a pillow vendor, a disbarred drunk lawyer, conspiracy theorists, several “flexible” lawyers, a retired military colonel/convicted felon, and an online overstock furniture guy.  Trump always hired the finest.

Trump's Dream Team of Sycophants

This was not one seditious act but a multi-part plan with tentacles that slithered in many directions.  The whole thing was an attempt to create enough chaos to confuse people so that they would believe that Donald Trump won the election, or to at least throw the results into question.  The idea was to use the tried-and-true marketing FUD method to win the presidential election. 

The FUD Factor

For those of you perhaps unfamiliar with FUD, it stands for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.  I bet you thought it had something to do with Elmer but Elmer Fudd is spelled with two d’s and even Elmer couldn't have screwed things up this badly.  It is a common marketing strategy used by a dominant or privileged organization to restrain competition by introducing suspicion and uncertainty into the marketplace to the detriment of other competitors.  FUD is also a propaganda tactic used in public relations, politics, polling, and cults.  It is a strategy developed to influence perception by spreading negative, dubious, or false information to instill fear.

Trump started with lawsuits challenging the vote counts.  He hired his own experts to find anything he could use to challenge the election results.  They gained access to voting machines.  They watched surveillance videos of precinct counts and drew phony conclusions as to what they saw.  They conspired to appoint boards of fake electors to go to Washington to challenge the actual electors.  They tried to coerce governors and election supervisors.  Trump wanted to direct the military to seize state-owned voting machines.  They tried to threaten and intimidate election workers.  They used social media and compliant news sources to spread rumors, stories, falsehoods, half-truths, and outright fabrications to muddy the waters.

Cyber Ninja Examining Ballots for Fraud
They Found None, Repeat..., No Fraud

The claims went from bizarre to ridiculous.  Strange satellites were beaming signals to change election results.  The dead Hugo Chavez used secret information to magically flip votes from Trump to Biden.  Storage bins normally used to carry ballots were described as mysterious suitcases or boxes that contained fraudulent Biden votes. 

A GOP mega-donor from Texas, Steven Hotze, was charged with unlawful restraint and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after an air conditioning repairman was run off the road and held at gunpoint.  One of Hotze’s hired posse of private investigators mistakenly thought the repairman’s van held 750,000 fraudulent mail-in ballots.  Then there is The Sixth Sense version of voter fraud, “I see dead people.”  Claims of widespread fraud by people using the IDs of dead voters are broad and almost always unfounded.

I see dead voters in every state Trump lost.

Their Machiavellian plot had all the essential ingredients.  They had the fake slate of electors standing by, they had 147 Republicans who would vote to object to the certification of the electoral votes, and Trump had intimidated and threatened his vice president to get him to either refuse to certify the results or overturn the election results.  Trump's ace-in-the-hole was his rally mob which would storm the Capitol, stop the certification, and if Mike Pence met his maker hanging from the available gallows, it would just be icing on the presidential cake.

The period between September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021, is 19 years, 3 months, and 26 days.  That’s the time between the bin Laden attack with his group of international terrorists and the Donald Trump attack with his band of domestic terrorists.  It remains to be seen which terrorist did more damage to this country.  At least we know where Donald is hiding so he won’t be so hard to find.  We all know who is in Jeopardy.  I’ll take Domestic Terrorism for $1,000 Alex.

From 18 USC § 2331(5)

Domestic terrorism:

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

In an example given under the legal expansions created under Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act, they use the case of protestors who trespassed on a Vieques Island military installation to protest military exercises.  Their conduct fit the definition of domestic terrorism because the protesters broke federal law by unlawfully entering the airbase and their acts were for the purpose of influencing a government policy by intimidation or coercion. 

The language in the law is broad enough to authorize the government to seize the assets of any individuals involved in domestic terrorism.  Is anyone interested in a home with a golf course in Palm Beach?   I’ll start the bidding at $5.00.

For Sale, Government Auction

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