Monday, January 15, 2024

Florida's Witch Doctor General

Dr. Joseph Ladapo was handpicked by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to be his Surgeon General because he supported the anti-vax and anti-mask efforts that the governor wanted. DeSantis had national political aspirations and wanted to be seen as the champion of the anti-government restrictions brought about during the Covid pandemic. Dr. Ladapo had good paper credentials but having a good education doesn’t guarantee sanity.

Dr. Joe had no experience in public health policy and his support of hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug, to fight Covid had limited anecdotal support and only limited emergency authorization from the FDA which was later withdrawn. Ladapo had been among 20 doctors who wanted to stop all COVID-19 vaccinations until they had been tested for a full two years. Luckily, this rogue ultra-right-wing medical coalition known as America’s Front Line Doctors (AFLD), was ignored and an estimated 14.4 million deaths from COVID-19 were prevented in the first year.

Most of this is old news but the foundation of Dr. Ladapo’s anti-vaccine stance was not fully understood. He promoted hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria pill that had no scientific evidence of effectiveness but opposed the mRNA vaccine. Why would he take such a stance?

We may now know why he objected. The mRNA vaccine contains genetic material that provides instructions to our immune system on how to fight the virus. It would seem that Dr. Ladapo’s anti-vax stance was based more on voodoo medicine than science. His objections were based on religious beliefs, not medical beliefs.

Ladapo’s reasoning was laid bare during a Jan 4, 2024, Steve Bannon podcast where the good witch doctor claimed that these mRNA vaccines were the "work of the devil." He called the vaccines, “the Antichrist of all products.” He claimed they showed “disrespect” to the human genome, “and that is our connection to God.” WTF?

Steve Bannon Podcast with Dr. Ladapo
Florida's Surgeon General
January 4, 2024

While mainstream Christian leaders have urged their followers to get vaccinated, a small splinter group has twisted Biblical references to make their argument against vaccination. They claim that the vaccine is “the mark of the beast,” as referenced in the Book of Revelation, predicts the second coming of Christ. In this final book of the New Testament (author unknown), the writer discusses prophetic visions that include a Seven-Headed Dragon, the Serpent, and the Beast.

Equating the Covid-19 vaccine and other mRNA shots as “the mark of the Devil” is to say that during the end times of the Apocalypse, the Devil will rule the earth (not Trump, but the really, really scary one) but only for a short time (damn term limits) and he will then be vanquished by Jesus. During the Devil’s eviction from the earth, Jesus will know the evil ones as they will have been marked, hence the “mark of the beast.” Since Dr. Ladapo has told us from his official position as Surgeon General for all of Florida that the COVID mRNA vaccines are the mark of the Devil, only the unvaccinated will get into heaven.

DeSantis admits to getting vaccinated for COVID-19 early on so he could “keep doing his job.” He took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine so he wouldn’t risk being “out of pocket for two weeks because I got infected.” I guess he will be staggering around during the Apocalypse marked like the rest of us and damned for eternity. He now advises against vaccination unless you are over 65. His macho stance against masking and vaccinations saw Florida suffer double the death rate of the rest of the nation, adjusted for age, during the 2021 Delta variant wave of July through the end of October of that year.

If you want to do a deeper dive into the netherworld of this Mobius strip medical-religious logic I suggest jumping into the Google rabbit hole with a search of America's Front Line Doctors and their belief that lizard people run our government and demon sperm cause gynecological problems. Two of the AFLD leaders were ophthalmologists but only one was still licensed, and one was arrested in the mob on January 6th.

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