Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The MAGA Collective

As a fan of the sci-fi series Star Trek, I find one of the more fascinating antagonists from this fictional universe, The Borg, bears a striking similarity to what we identify as MAGA. Perhaps it would be helpful to reflect on the defined structure of this fictional nemesis.

They were known as The Borg Collective and exhibited traits with a beehive-like parallel. The Borg Hive consisted of a collection of drones who had been assimilated from other alien species linked together as cybernetic organisms functioning as a single body. This body was ultimately governed by a Borg Queen. The Borg Queen was the only entity within this collective with complete autonomy. The Borg were driven by a single objective which was to conquer without mercy or compassion.

Functioning like an organic computer, each alien species component is connected via a subspace network toward a common goal. Through this collective consciousness, they share the same thoughts and speak with a collective voice. When they target a new subject for assimilation they will state, “Resistance is futile.” That target and its biological and technological information are then added to the collective.

In today’s environment, we find the singular head of over one-third of the Republican party has used his own version of mind control. He parrots their fears, desires, and spiritual goals as his own. His objective is to conquer all obstacles without mercy or compassion. As a sociopathic narcissist, he is singularly suited to this role as he will do whatever it takes to benefit himself while assimilating others in his mission. They submit willingly to his spell and will do his bidding even at the cost of their own freedom or well-being. As a spoiled billionaire, his minions are truly an alien species but one he understands how to control. He cut his teeth mesmerizing the masses over fourteen years of hosting The Apprentice. In the series, contestants are divided into two teams pitted against one another. In the political arena, he has split our nation into two groups and pitted them in a battle threatening our democracy for the first time since the Civil War. If you have gotten this far and don’t see the parallels within our current MAGA Collective, with its groupthink connected through its own subspace network, perhaps you should lower your shields and surrender your ship.

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