Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Florida Noise Pollution and Illegal Vehicle Modifications

The State of Florida is one of fifteen or so states with laws that prohibit the use of mufflers that emit “excessive or unusual” noise AND prohibits modification if it causes the muffler to emit more noise than the original factory-installed muffler.  [Florida Statutes 316.293, Motor vehicle noise.]

Fla. Stat. § 316.272 (2013) § 316.272.  Exhaust systems, prevention of noise  (1) Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with an exhaust system in good working order and in constant operation, including muffler, manifold pipe, and tailpiping to prevent excessive or unusual noise. In no event shall an exhaust system allow noise at a level which exceeds a maximum decibel level to be established by regulation of the Department of Environmental Protection as provided in s. 403.061(11) in cooperation with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a vehicle on a highway.(2) The engine and power mechanism of every motor vehicle shall be so equipped and adjusted as to prevent the escape of excessive fumes or smoke.(3) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318. Fla. Stat. § 316.293 (2013) § 316.293.  Motor vehicle noise  ***(5)  Noise abatement equipment modifications.(a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle or any other noise-abatement device of a motor vehicle operated or to be operated upon the highways of this state in such a manner that the noise emitted by the motor vehicle is above that emitted by the vehicle as originally manufactured.(b) No person shall operate a motor vehicle upon the highways of the state with an exhaust system or noise-abatement device so modified.

Like many Floridians, I live within earshot of a major roadway.  A certain level of road noise was to be expected from the cars and trucks traveling that major thoroughfare.  During a recent expansion of the Florida Turnpike, they built a so-called noise barrier wall to help control the noise.  By most accounts and from my own experience, these walls are mostly ineffectual for their intended purpose and perhaps not worth the great expense (by some estimates over $3 million per mile).

In recent years the popularity of muffler and tailpipe modifications that greatly enhance the noise levels of motorcycles and automobiles, has brought the frequency of ear-splitting noise events to the point where peaceful enjoyment of any property near a major roadway is impossible.  I recently went outside to enjoy my patio area and, even though the turnpike is over 100 yards away, no fewer than eight different modified vehicles roared up/down the turnpike in the course of one hour.  You don’t need a sophisticated decibel meter to know these vehicles have been modified to be noisier than intended by the vehicle manufacturer.

I'm sure many of you have pulled up next to one of these people.  Many are in smaller underpowered cars that want to sound BIG.  They will rev up their engines when stopped to make more racket and then accelerate to the next traffic light in an aggressive fashion.

"Loud but not raspy" - by Trevor
Put it on my 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 with the hemi. Sounds awesome as soon as you fire it up, takes a few hundred miles to break in and will eventually have a little different sound than what was initially there. About 3/4 of the way into breaking it in it gets quiet and doesn't really sound that great but eventually it gets loud again and sounds awesome.  Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice deep sound. [from an Amazon review of the Flowmaster Super 10 Muffler with Agressive Sound]

At night, even when cooler weather would permit the opening of your windows, it would be impossible to get a good night’s sleep due to these muffler modified vehicles.  Even with lower traffic levels at night, it doesn’t take but one or two of these modified vehicles to make an ear-splitting trip down the Florida Turnpike in the early hours to disrupt the sleep of literally hundreds of Floridians who live nearby.

Designed to be LOUD

Is it too much to ask the Florida Highway Patrol and local police to enforce the law?  If I read the Florida Statutes correctly, even the sale of such products in Florida is illegal.  I recently went on Amazon, who now has a physical presence in Florida, and found an entire page dedicated to “Loud Exhaust Tips” where they feature products designed to make vehicles louder.  These “loud bullet type resonators,” “Loud Mouth Axle Back Exhaust Kits,” and “Super 10 Mufflers with Aggressive Sound,” are advertised and positively reviewed for the extra noise they create.

Amazon page featuring several loud exhaust products

Enforcement of existing laws against the owners of these devices and cracking down on sellers of this equipment would go a long way to restoring the peace and tranquility of all those neighborhoods who happen to be within earshot of major roadways.

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