Sunday, August 8, 2021

What Could Go Wrong?

DeSantis's dreams of becoming the next president of the U.S. are fading.  I believe that by late September or early October this should be clear even to him.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Aspiring Presidential Candidate

On June 29, the seven-day average of new cases for Florida kids under 12 was 205. By July 29, that number had increased more than sevenfold to 1,544.  The increase in infections for the under-12 group is now higher than among 60-64-year-olds.

The number of patients presenting at Memorial Health and Joe DiMaggio Children’s emergency rooms with COVID also has exploded, from 23 in June to 240 in July, a nearly 1,000% increase.

The Delta variant is up to 1,000 times more virulent.  Symptoms will appear in under a week in most cases.  Florida's juvenile Covid infection rate is second only to Texas.

Schools open in a couple of weeks.  Children will be crowding into classrooms, busses, and cafeterias.  Florida's governor Ron DeSantis has ruled by executive order 21-175 that funding may be withheld from public schools if they mandate masks.  The handwriting is on the chalkboard.  Infections will rise among our children, teachers, and school staff, most will survive, some will suffer long-term effects, and some will die.  Mandatory mask-wearing and required vaccinations would have prevented up to 90% of the spread of the disease but our governor says, no.

What could possibly go wrong?

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