Sunday, August 8, 2021

What's With This Delta Variant?

In a posted study from China, the Delta variant was detectable after only 4 days while the original Alpha strain took 6 days.  This indicates the Delta variant replicates faster within the body.

The term "viral load" is used as a measure of the density of viral particles in the body.  The Delta variant had viral loads up to 1,260 times higher than those measured in Alpha infected patients.

While the Delta variant was first detected in India, it now represents over 80% of new cases in the U.S.

With unvaccinated individuals in a maskless environment, one individual with the original Alpha strain would be expected to infect 2.5 people.  In that same environment, Delta would infect 3.5 to 4 people.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are very effective at preventing serious infection or death.  Breakthrough cases of vaccinated individuals with the Delta variant represent well below 1% of the total infections and virtually 0% of the deaths.

Summary:  Mask up, get vaccinated. 

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