Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Business of Government; Full Astern


Since Donald Trump views all government policy, diplomacy, and strategies as business deals, we should analyze them accordingly. This does not mean our government should be run like a business, but acknowledges his perspective.


Our government has slowly evolved over the past two and a half centuries. The current two-party system was never part of our Constitution, it too has evolved over time as a matter of customs and rules. Party names and ideologies have evolved, not revolutionized, since our nation's inception. Similarly, our international relationships have undergone similar gradual changes.
Even with presidential changes every several years, the track of American policy could shift course somewhat, but it never issued the order, “Full astern.” In nautical terminology that command is to move a ship in reverse at full speed. That would normally be a bad sign for ships or governments, and a strong indicator of serious problems for any business. Who would want to do business or have a relationship with an entity that would make such radical changes every four years?
Republicans and Democrats have consistently viewed Russia as an adversary. Although their methods vary, both parties oppose Russia's expansionist plans in Europe, rooted in post-WWII alliances and cold war policies.
Our decades-long commitment to NATO and alliances with our European friends transcended party politics in America. That was until a “businessman” with unclear government motivations, but with thinly-veiled personal business motives, yelled, “Full astern.”

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