Friday, November 27, 2020

I Look Forward To…

We are all anticipating the transition of power that will take place on January 20th. Some with hopeful exuberance and others with dread. I am among the hopeful and will greet this change of leaders with more enthusiasm than past swaps in White House occupants.
I look forward to waking up in the morning and not feeling a need to turn on the news to see what damage has been done to our country, planet, or democratic way of life overnight. All of this possible because the insomniac-in-chief had a twitter-fit in the pre-dawn hours or heard the voice of Tucker Carlson giving his own twisted opinion on something from FOX News.
I look forward to seeing people in charge of our highest offices who actually know what they are doing because they were selected for their competence and not because they will do whatever damage is asked of them by the president. The current announced cabinet appointments all, to a person, seem to be supremely qualified for the tasks before them. No more hiring of sycophants with an axe to grind or with some ulterior profit motive. No more hiring foxes to guard the hen house. Draining the swamp should not include stocking it with more alligators and snakes.
I look forward to a president who can talk in complete sentences, even if he gets a bit long-winded. Having a president who doesn’t make up his own facts in the morning and then denies having said whatever it was before sunset, will be as refreshing as a warm summer breeze. I expect my president to be as truthful as our national security allows.
I look forward to a vice-president who can take her job seriously and not have a fly landing on her head be her highest level of intellectual achievement in four years. I expect her to be supportive but independent in her thoughts and comments.
I look forward to having a president who listens, takes advice, asks questions, contemplates alternatives, analyzes problems, and comes to a decision based on facts and not some gut feeling that may just be indigestion. I will not miss a president who flies off the handle, shoots from the hip, and looks to blame someone else when everything goes to hell.
I look forward to a president who acknowledges science, considers the needs of our nation, puts people’s lives before profit, and who will take control and responsibility for managing this pandemic. This virus will not end with the invention of a safe and effective vaccine; that is only the beginning. We will need a meaningful stimulus package to provide relief where it is needed. This is not another “trickle down” problem where we should be bailing out the Amazons of the world. The stimulus needs to address the basics of food, clothing, and shelter for its citizens and should provide relief to those businesses hit hard by the pandemic. We still need PPE, relief for our healthcare workers, and a consistent message from our national leadership. We do not need a leader who minimizes the problem and tells us to wear a mask only when you feel that it is not a bother or a violation of some unwritten declared personal freedom.
The presidency of the United States should not be a position open to unqualified amateurs in dire need of on-the-job-training who are incapable of taking advice. I feel Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be a refreshing change that is long overdue.
Now, for those who still feel only fear and dread with the results of this election, just know that neither Clinton nor Obama took away your guns and they didn’t turn our country into Venezuela or a communist Cuba. If that doesn’t help you sleep at night I say, suck it up Bubba.

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